


  • Added support for hosting Helm charts using Helm v2 and v3 (ENGDTR-1750).

    • Includes support for standard Helm charts, as well as OCI-based Helm charts (an experimental feature in Helm v3).

    • Chart and optional provenance file can be stored in the repository.

    • Includes the ability to lint Helm charts against a set of best practices and generate a linting report.

    • The MSR API now includes the following endpoints for supporting Helm charts in MSR:



      Retrieve repository index file

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/index.yaml

      Retrieve chart or provenance file from repository

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/<chartname>/<filename>

      Upload chart (and, optionally, provenance file) to repository

      POST /charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts

      Upload provenance file to repository

      POST /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/prov

      Delete chart (and provenance file, if present) from repository

      DELETE /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/ \

      Get metadata for all charts in repository:

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts

      Get metadata for all versions of a chart in the repository

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/<chartname>

      Get metadata for chart version in repository

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/ \

      Get default values for chart version in repository

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/<chartname>/ \

      Template a chart version in repository

      GET /charts/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/<chartname>/ \

      Lint a particular chart version

      POST /charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/ \

      Lint every version of all available charts

      POST /charts/api/lint

      Get linting results (as a JSON file) for a particular chart version in a particular repository

      GET /charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/ \

      Export linting results (as a CSV file) for a particular chart version in a particular repository

      GET /charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/ \

      Retrieve all available linting rules (each rule includes a name, description, remediation, template, and parameters)

      GET /charts/api/lintingrules
  • Added running image enforcement policy support to MSR, which allows users to block clients from pulling images based on specified criteria.

    • Users can configure policies scoped either globally or at the repository level.

    • MSR logs all enforcement events to the activity log in the MSR web UI. (MSR tracks enforcement events triggered by global enforcement policies as GLOBAL event types.)

    • The MSR API now includes the following endpoints for supporting running image enforcement in MSR:



      Get all repository enforcement policies

      GET /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Create repository enforcement policy

      POST /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Delete all repository enforcement policies

      DELETE /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Retrieve specific repository enforcement policy

      GET /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Delete specific repository enforcement policy

      DELETE /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Patch specific repository enforcement policy

      PATCH /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Add rules to specific repository enforcement policy

      POST /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Delete specific rule from repository enforcement policy

      DELETE /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Patch specific rule within repository enforcement policy

      PATCH /api/v0/repositories/<namespace>/<reponame>/ \

      Modify global enforcement policy

      POST /api/v0/meta/settings/globalEnforcementPolicy/rules

      Delete and disable global enforcement policy

      DELETE ​/api​/v0​/meta​/settings​/globalEnforcementPolicy

      Update specific rule within global enforcement policy

      PUT /api/v0/meta/settings/globalEnforcementPolicy/rules/<ruleid>

      Delete a specific rule within global enforcement policy

      DELETE /api/v0/meta/settings/globalEnforcementPolicy/ \
  • Added the capability to download scanner reports and optionally bundle them with the following information (which you can then send to Mirantis, as required):

    • Missing vulnerabilities

    • False positives

    • Incorrect component versions

    • Additional information


  • Starting with this release, you no longer need to indicate that storage has migrated when modifying backend storage configuration. MSR now assumes that the new storage backend is not empty and that its contents match those of the old backend. Thus, we have removed the --storage-migrated flag and web UI storage migration checkbox from MSR.

    If the backend is empty or if the new backend content does not match the the old backend content, MSR produces unknown blob errors during pushes and pulls.

    If you deploy a brand new storage backend and the data inside does not match the old backend, you must first reinitialize the storage with the new --reinitialize-storage flag within reconfigure. Note that this action erases all tag metadata (FIELD-2571).

  • All analytics reports for instances of MSR with a Mirantis-issued license key now include the license ID (even when the anonymize analytics setting is enabled). The license subject reads License ID in the web UI (ENGDTR-2327).

  • Intermittent failures no longer occur during metadata garbage collection when using Google Cloud Storage as the backend (ENGDTR-2376).

  • Pulling images from a repository using crictl no longer returns a 500 error (FIELD-3331).

  • Lengthy tag names no longer overlap with adjacent text in the repository tag list (FIELD-1631).

Security information

  • MSR is not vulnerable to CVE-2019-15562, despite its detection in dtr-notary-signer and dtr-notary-server vulnerability scans, as the SQL backend is not used in Notary deployment (ENGDTR-2319).

  • Vulnerability scans of the dtr-jobrunner can give false positives for CVE-2020-29363, CVE-2020-29361, and CVE-2020-29362 in the p11-kit component. The container’s version of p11-kit is not vulnerable to these CVEs. (ENGDTR-2319).

  • Resolved CVE-2019-20907 (ENGDTR-2259).