
The dump-certs command prints the public certificates used by the MKE web server. Specifically, the command produces public certificates for the MKE web server running on the specified node. By default, it prints the contents of the ca.pem and cert.pem files.

Integrating MKE and MSR requires that you use this command with the --cluster --ca flags to configure MSR.

To use the dump-certs command:

docker container run --rm \
  --name ucp \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  mirantis/ucp:3.x.y \
  dump-certs <command-options>




--debug, -D

Enables debug mode.


Produces JSON-formatted output for easier parsing.


Prints only the contents of the ca.pem file.


Prints the internal MKE swarm root CA and certificate instead of the public server certificate.