Major component versions¶ The following table presents the versioning information for the major middleware components included in the MKE 3.6.2 release. Component Version MKE 3.6.2 Golang 1.19.4 Kubernetes 1.24.6 Calico 3.24.1 Calico for Windows 3.24.1 Interlock 3.3.8 Interlock NGINX proxy 1.23.2-alpine NGINX Ingress Controller (ingress-nginx) 1.5.1 CoreDNS 1.9.4 RethinkDB 2.3.7 etcd 3.5.6 Alpine Linux 3.16 Node Feature Discovery 0.11.1 Prometheus 2.37.5 Blackbox Exporter 0.23.0 Alert Manager 0.25.0 NVIDIA Device Plugin 1.0.19 NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery 0.6.2 Gatekeeper 3.11.0 cri-dockerd 0.2.5