
Detail on the new features and enhancements introduced in MKE 3.6.1 includes:

[FIELD-5151] NVIDIA settings disablement

MKE now supports disabling nvidia_gpu_feature_discovery and nvidia_device_partitioner by setting nvidia_device_plugin to false.

[FIELD-5273] Support bundle API endpoint

Added the public /support endpoint to the MKE API, for the collection of cluster-wide support bundles.

[MKE-8780] Account Privileges page in web UI

The Account Privileges section in the MKE web UI has been moved from <user name> > Admin Settings > Orchestration to its own page, <user name> > Admin Settings > Privileges.

[MKE-9133, MKE-8967] Improved Image Pruning section in the web UI

Improved usability of the Image pruning config section of the web UI.

In addition, a directive has been added to the section that recommends the use of <ID>:<tag> rather than <name>:<tag> with whitelist filters.