Configure and use OpsCare

Any time there is an issue with your cluster, OpsCare routes notifications from your MKE deployment to Mirantis support engineers. These company personnel will then either directly resolve the problem or arrange to troubleshoot the matter with you.

For more information, refer to Mirantis OpsCare Plus, OpsCare & LabCare.

Configure OpsCare

To configure OpsCare you must first obtain a Salesforce username, password, and environment ID from your Mirantis Customer Success Manager. You then store these credentials as Swarm secrets using the following naming convention:

  • User name: sfdc_opscare_api_username

  • Password: sfdc_opscare_api_password

  • Environment ID: sfdc_environment_id


  • Every cluster that uses OpsCare must have its own unique sfdc_environment_id.

  • OpsCare requires that MKE has access to on port 443.

  • Any custom certificates in use must contain all of the manager node private IP addresses.

  • The provided Salesforce credentials are not associated with the Mirantis support portal login, but are for Opscare alerting only.

To configure OpsCare using the CLI:

  1. Download and configure the client bundle.

  2. Create secrets for your Salesforce login credentials:

    printf "<username-obtained-from-csm>" | docker secret create sfdc_opscare_api_username -
    printf "<password-obtained-from-csm>" | docker secret create sfdc_opscare_api_password -
    printf "<environment-id-obtained-from-csm>" | docker secret create sfdc_environment_id -
  3. Enable OpsCare:

    AUTHTOKEN=$(curl --silent --insecure --data "{\"username\":\"$MKE_USERNAME\",\"password\":\"$MKE_PASSWORD\"}" https://$MKE_HOST/auth/login | jq --raw-output .auth_token)
    curl --silent --insecure -X GET "https://$MKE_HOST/api/ucp/config-toml" -H "accept: application/toml" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" > ucp-config.toml
    sed -i 's/ops_care = false/ops_care = true/' ucp-config.toml
    curl --silent --insecure -X PUT -H "accept: application/toml" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" --upload-file './ucp-config.toml' https://$MKE_HOST/api/ucp/config-toml

To configure OpsCare using the MKE web UI:

  1. Log in to the MKE web UI.

  2. Using the left-side navigation panel, navigate to <username> > Admin Settings > Usage.

  3. In the Salesforce Username field, enter your Salesforce user name.

  4. Next, enter your Salesforce password and Salesforce environment ID.

  5. Click Create Secrets.

  6. Under OpsCare Settings, toggle the Enable OpsCare slider to the right.

  7. Click Save.

Manage Salesforce alerts

OpsCare uses a predefined group of MKE alerts to notify your Customer Success Manager of problems with your deployment. This alerts group is identical to those seen in any MKE cluster that is provisioned by Mirantis Container Cloud. A single watchdog alert serves to verify the proper function of the OpsCare alert pipeline as a whole.

To verify that the OpsCare alerts are functioning properly:

  1. Log in to Salesforce.

  2. Navigate to Cases and verify that the watchdog alert is present. It presents as Watchdog alert. It is always firing.

Disable OpsCare

You must disable OpsCare before you can delete the three secrets in use.

To disable OpsCare:

  1. Log in to the MKE web UI.

  2. Using the left-side navigation panel, navigate to <username> > Admin Settings > Usage.

  3. Toggle the Enable Ops Care slider to the left.

Alternatively, you can disable OpsCare by changing the ops_care entry in the MKE configuration file to false.