Access audit logs using the docker CLI

The audit logs are exposed through the ucp-controller logs. You can access these logs locally through the Docker CLI.


You can also access MKE audit logs using an external container logging solution, such as ELK.

To access audit logs using the Docker CLI:

  1. Source a MKE client bundle.

  2. Run docker logs to obtain audit logs.

    The following example tails the command to show the last log entry.

    $ docker logs ucp-controller --tail 1

    Sample audit log for a Kubernetes cluster:

    {"audit"; {
          "metadata": {...},
          "level": "Metadata",
          "timestamp": "2018-08-07T22:10:35Z",
          "auditID": "7559d301-fa6b-4ad6-901c-b587fab75277",
          "stage": "RequestReceived",
          "requestURI": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods",
          "verb": "list",
          "user": {"username": "alice",...},
          "sourceIPs": [""],
          "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2018-08-07T22:10:35.428850Z"}}

    Sample audit log for a Swarm cluster:

    {"audit"; {
          "metadata": {...},
          "level": "Metadata",
          "timestamp": "2018-08-07T22:10:35Z",
          "auditID": "7559d301-94e7-4ad6-901c-b587fab31512",
          "stage": "RequestReceived",
          "requestURI": "/v1.30/configs/create",
          "verb": "post",
          "user": {"username": "alice",...},
          "sourceIPs": [""],
          "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2018-08-07T22:10:35.428850Z"}}