Product Overview


In correlation with the end of life (EOL) date for MKE 3.6.x, Mirantis stopped maintaining this documentation version as of 2024-OCT-13. The latest MKE product documentation is available here.

Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE, formerly Universal Control Plane or UCP) is the industry-leading container orchestration platform for developing and running modern applications at scale, on private clouds, public clouds, and on bare metal.

MKE delivers immediate value to your business by allowing you to adopt modern application development and delivery models that are cloud-first and cloud-ready. With MKE you get a centralized place with a graphical UI to manage and monitor your Kubernetes and/or Swarm cluster instance.

Your business benefits from using MKE as a container orchestration platform, especially in the following use cases:

More than one container orchestrator

Whether your application requirements are complex and require medium to large clusters or simple ones that can be deployed quickly on development environments, MKE gives you a container orchestration choice. Deploy Kubernetes, Swarm, or both types of clusters and manage them on a single MKE instance or centrally manage your instance using Mirantis Container Cloud.

Robust and scalable applications deployment

Monolithic applications are old school, microservices are the modern way to deploy an application at scale. Delivering applications through an automated CI/CD pipeline can dramatically improve time-to-market and service agility. Adopting microservices becomes a lot easier when using Kubernetes and/or Swarm clusters to deploy and test microservice-based applications.

Multi-tenant software offerings

Containerizing existing monolithic SaaS applications enables quicker development cycles, automated continuous integration and deployment. But these applications need to allow multiple users to share a single instance of a software application. MKE can operate multi-tenant environments, isolate teams and organizations, separate cluster resources, and so on.

See also
