Obtain the MSR license

After you install MSR, download your new MSR license and apply it using a Helm command.


Users are not authorized to run MSR without a valid license. For more information, refer to Mirantis Agreements and Terms.

To download your MSR license:


If you do not have the CloudCare Portal welcome email, contact your designated administrator.

  1. Log in to the Mirantis CloudCare Portal.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Environments.

  3. Click the Environment Name associated with the license you want to download.

  4. Scroll down to Licenses and click the License File URL. A new tab opens in your browser.

  5. Click View file to download your license file.

To update your license settings:

Apply your MSR license to an unlicensed MSR instance:

helm upgrade msr msr --repo https://registry.mirantis.com/charts/msr/msr \
--version 1.0.0 \
--set-file license=path/to/file/license.lic