Implement Helm linting

Perform Helm linting using either the MSR web UI or the MSR API.

Helm linting with the web UI

  1. Open the MSR web UI.

  2. Navigate to Repositories.

  3. Click the name of the repository that contains the chart you want to lint.

  4. Click the Charts tab.

  5. Click the View Chart button associated with the required Helm chart.

  6. Click the View Chart button for the required chart version.

  7. Click the Linting Summary tab.

  8. Click the Lint Chart button to generate a Helm chart linting report.

Helm linting with the API

  1. Run the Helm chart linter on a particular chart.

    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST "https://<msrhost>/charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/<chartname>/<chartversion>/lint" -u <username>:<password>
  2. Generate a Helm chart linting report.

    curl -k -X GET "https://<msrhost>/charts/api/<namespace>/<reponame>/charts/<chartname>/<chartversion>/lintsummary" -u <username>:<password>