Addressed issues

The following issues have been addressed in the MSR 3.0.1 patch release:

  • Fixed an issue wherein, on logout from the MSR web UI, users sometimes received the warning: Sorry, we don't recognize this path (FIELD-4339).

  • Fixed an issue wherein CVE database updates failed whenever the MSR custom version record was missing from the CVE database (ENGDTR-2946).

  • Fixed an issue in the MSR web UI wherein an input was missing from the team LDAP sync form that prevented users from submitting the form (ENGDTR-2912).

  • Fixed an issue in the MSR web UI wherein if a user who wants to change their password entered an incorrect password into the Current password field and clicked Save, the screen would go blank (ENGDTR-2785).

  • Fixed an issue wherein the /ca endpoint was not functional (ENGDTR-2205).