
Detail on the new features and enhancements introduced in MKE 3.5.10 includes:

[MKE-9866] Enablement of read-only root filesystem for select MKE containers

The following MKE containers are now configured with read-only root filesystems:

  • ucp-kube-ingress-controller

  • ucp-kube-controller-manager

  • ucp-kube-apiserver

[FIELD-6022] Enablement of stack traces collection with support bundles

Users can now enable the inclusion of stack traces when downloading a support bundle.

[FIELD-5867] Enablement of node type selection with support bundles

Using the MKE web UI, you can now select the node type for inclusion when downloading a support bundle: All nodes, Managers only, and Workers only.

[FIELD-6091] Improved support for custom containerd root

With MKE 3.5.10, Mirantis improved the support for custom containerd root.

[FIELD-6029] Support bundles with custom options now carry custom preface

The name of support bundles collected with custom options are now prepended with custom-.

[MKE-9711] Addition of referral chasing LDAP parameter

In the MKE web UI, users can now toggle Enable referral chasing in the LDAP configuration settings.