Before creating a bare metal managed cluster, add the required number
of bare metal hosts using CLI and YAML files for configuration.
This section describes how to add bare metal hosts using the Container Cloud
CLI during a managed cluster creation.
To add a bare metal host:
Verify that you configured each bare metal host as follows:
Enable the boot NIC support for UEFI load. Usually, at least the built-in
network interfaces support it.
Enable the UEFI-LAN-OPROM support in
BIOS -> Advanced -> PCIPCIe.
Enable the IPv4-PXE stack.
Set the following boot order:
If your PXE network is not configured to use the first network interface,
fix the UEFI-PXE boot order to speed up node discovering
by selecting only one required network interface.
Power off all bare metal hosts.
Only one Ethernet port on a host must be connected to the
Common/PXE network at any given time. The physical address
(MAC) of this interface must be noted and used to configure
the BareMetalHost object describing the host.
Create a project for a managed cluster using the Container Cloud web UI:
Log in to the Container Cloud web UI as m:kaas@global-admin or
In the Projects tab, click Create.
Type the new project name.
Click Create.
Log in to the host where your management cluster kubeconfig is located
and where kubectl is installed.
Describe the unique credentials of the new bare metal host:
MOSK 22.5 and later
Create a YAML file that describes the unique credentials of the new
bare metal host as a BareMetalHostCredential object.
In the metadata section, add a unique credentials name and the
name of the non-default project (namespace) dedicated for the
managed cluster being created.
In the spec section, add the IPMI user name and password in plain
text to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). The password
will not be stored in the BareMetalHostCredential object but will
be erased and saved in an underlying Secret object.
The label is removed from all
Container Cloud and MOSK objects in 24.1.
Therefore, do not add the label starting with these releases. On existing
clusters updated to these releases, or if added manually, Container Cloud
ignores this label.
MOSK 22.4 and earlier
Create a secret YAML file that describes
the unique credentials of the new bare metal host.
Example of the bare metal host secret:
In the data section, add the IPMI user name and password in the
base64 encoding to access the BMC. To obtain the base64-encoded
credentials, you can use the following command in your Linux console:
The label is removed from all
Container Cloud and MOSK objects in 24.1.
Therefore, do not add the label starting with these releases. On existing
clusters updated to these releases, or if added manually, Container Cloud
ignores this label.
During provisioning, the status changes as follows:
After BareMetalHost switches to the preparing stage, the
inspecting phase finishes and you can verify that hardware information
is available in the object status and matches the MOSK cluster hardware requirements.