Known issues

This section describes the MOSK known issues with available workarounds. For the known issues in the related version of Mirantis Container Cloud, refer to Mirantis Container Cloud: Release Notes.


[31186,34132] Pods get stuck during MariaDB operations

During MariaDB operations on a management cluster, Pods may get stuck in continuous restarts with the following example error:

[ERROR] WSREP: Corrupt buffer header: \
addr: 0x7faec6f8e518, \
seqno: 3185219421952815104, \
size: 909455917, \
ctx: 0x557094f65038, \
flags: 11577. store: 49, \
type: 49


  1. Create a backup of the /var/lib/mysql directory on the mariadb-server Pod.

  2. Verify that other replicas are up and ready.

  3. Remove the galera.cache file for the affected mariadb-server Pod.

  4. Remove the affected mariadb-server Pod or wait until it is automatically restarted.

After Kubernetes restarts the Pod, the Pod clones the database in 1-2 minutes and restores the quorum.

[42386] A load balancer service does not obtain the external IP address

Due to the MetalLB upstream issue, a load balancer service may not obtain the external IP address.

The issue occurs when two services share the same external IP address and have the same externalTrafficPolicy value. Initially, the services have the external IP address assigned and are accessible. After modifying the externalTrafficPolicy value for both services from Cluster to Local, the first service that has been changed remains with no external IP address assigned. Though, the second service, which was changed later, has the external IP assigned as expected.

To work around the issue, make a dummy change to the service object where external IP is <pending>:

  1. Identify the service that is stuck:

    kubectl get svc -A | grep pending

    Example of system response:

    stacklight  iam-proxy-prometheus  LoadBalancer  <pending>  443:30430/TCP
  2. Add an arbitrary label to the service that is stuck. For example:

    kubectl label svc -n stacklight iam-proxy-prometheus reconcile=1

    Example of system response:

    service/iam-proxy-prometheus labeled
  3. Verify that the external IP was allocated to the service:

    kubectl get svc -n stacklight iam-proxy-prometheus

    Example of system response:

    NAME                  TYPE          CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)        AGE
    iam-proxy-prometheus  LoadBalancer  443:30430/TCP  12d

[43058] [Antelope] Cronjob for MariaDB is not created

Sometimes, after changing the OpenStackDeployment custom resource, it does not transition to the APPLYING state as expected.

To work around the issue, restart the openstack-controller pod in the osh-system namespace.

Tungsten Fabric


For the Tungsten Fabric limitations, refer to Tungsten Fabric known limitations.

[13755] TF pods switch to CrashLoopBackOff after a simultaneous reboot

Rebooting all Cassandra cluster TFConfig or TFAnalytics nodes, maintenance, or other circumstances that cause the Cassandra pods to start simultaneously may cause a broken Cassandra TFConfig and/or TFAnalytics cluster. In this case, Cassandra nodes do not join the ring and do not update the IPs of the neighbor nodes. As a result, the TF services cannot operate Cassandra cluster(s).

To verify that a Cassandra cluster is affected:

Run the nodetool status command specifying the config or analytics cluster and the replica number:

kubectl -n tf exec -it tf-cassandra-<config/analytics>-dc1-rack1-<replica number> -c cassandra -- nodetool status

Example of system response with outdated IP addresses:

Datacenter: DC1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address         Load       Tokens       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
DN  <outdated ip>   ?          256          64.9%             a58343d0-1e3f-4d54-bcdf-9b9b949ca873  r1
DN  <outdated ip>   ?          256          69.8%             67f1d07c-8b13-4482-a2f1-77fa34e90d48  r1
Datacenter: dc1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address          Load       Tokens       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
UN  <actual ip>      3.84 GiB   256          65.2%             7324ebc4-577a-425f-b3de-96faac95a331  rack1


Manually delete the Cassandra pod from the failed config or analytics cluster to re-initiate the bootstrap process for one of the Cassandra nodes:

kubectl -n tf delete pod tf-cassandra-<config/analytics>-dc1-rack1-<replica_num>

[40032] tf-rabbitmq fails to start after rolling reboot

Occasionally, RabbitMQ instances in tf-rabbitmq pods fail to enable the tracking_records_in_ets during the initialization process.

To work around the problem, restart the affected pods manually.

Update known issues

[42449] Rolling reboot failure on a Tungsten Fabric cluster

During cluster update, the rolling reboot fails on the Tungsten Fabric cluster. To work around the issue, restart the RabbitMQ pods in the Tungsten Fabric cluster.

[46671] Cluster update fails with the tf-config pods crashed

When updating to the MOSK 24.3 series, tf-config pods from the Tungsten Fabric namespace may enter the CrashLoopBackOff state. For example:

tf-config-cs8zr                            2/5     CrashLoopBackOff   676 (19s ago)   15h
tf-config-db-6zxgg                         1/1     Running            44 (25m ago)    15h
tf-config-db-7k5sz                         1/1     Running            43 (23m ago)    15h
tf-config-db-dlwdv                         1/1     Running            43 (25m ago)    15h
tf-config-nw4tr                            3/5     CrashLoopBackOff   665 (43s ago)   15h
tf-config-wzf6c                            1/5     CrashLoopBackOff   680 (10s ago)   15h
tf-control-c6bnn                           3/4     Running            41 (23m ago)    13h
tf-control-gsnnp                           3/4     Running            42 (23m ago)    13h
tf-control-sj6fd                           3/4     Running            41 (23m ago)    13h

To troubleshoot the issue, check the logs inside the tf-config API container and the tf-cassandra pods. The following example logs indicate that Cassandra services failed to peer with each other and are operating independently:

  • Logs from the tf-config API container:

    NoHostAvailable: ('Unable to complete the operation against any hosts', {<Host: dc1>: Unavailable('Error from server: code=1000 [Unavailable exception] message="Cannot achieve consistency level QUORUM" info={\'required_replicas\': 2, \'alive_replicas\': 1, \'consistency\': \'QUORUM\'}',)})
  • Logs from the tf-cassandra pods:

    INFO  [OptionalTasks:1] 2024-09-09 08:59:36,231 - Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
    WARN  [OptionalTasks:1] 2024-09-09 08:59:46,231 - CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready

To work around the issue, restart the Cassandra services in the Tungsten Fabric namespace by deleting the affected pods sequentially to establish the connection between them:

kubectl -n tf delete pod tf-cassandra-config-dc1-rack1-0
kubectl -n tf delete pod tf-cassandra-config-dc1-rack1-1
kubectl -n tf delete pod tf-cassandra-config-dc1-rack1-2

Now, all other services in the Tungsten Fabric namespace should be in the Active state.

[47602] Failed designate-zone-setup job blocks cluster update

Fixed in 24.3.1

The designate-zone-setup Kubernetes job in the openstack namespace fails during update to MOSK 24.3 with the following error present in the logs of the job pod:

openstack.exceptions.BadRequestException: BadRequestException: 400:
Client Error for url: http://designate-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local:9001/v2/zones,
Invalid TLD

The issue occurs when the DNS service (OpenStack Designate) has any TLDs created, but test is not among them. Since DNS service monitoring was added to MOSK 24.3, it attempts to create a test zone test-zone.test in the Designate service, which fails if the test TLD is missing.

To work around the issue, verify that there are created TLDs present in the DNS service:

openstack tld list -f value -c name

If there are TLDs present and test is not one of them, create it:


Do not create the test TLD if no TLDs were present in the DNS service initially. In this case, the issue is caused by a different factor, and creating the test TLD when none existed before may disrupt users of both the DNS and Networking services.

openstack tld create --name test

Example output:

| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2024-10-22T19:22:15.000000           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | 930fed8b-1e91-4c8c-a00f-7abf68b944d0 |
| name        | test                                 |
| updated_at  | None                                 |