StackLight configuration procedure

This section describes the StackLight configuration workflow.

To configure StackLight:

  1. Download your management cluster kubeconfig:

    1. Log in to the Container Cloud web UI with the m:kaas:namespace@operator or m:kaas:namespace@writer permissions.

    2. Switch to the required project using the Switch Project action icon located on top of the main left-side navigation panel.

    3. Expand the menu of the tab with your user name.

    4. Click Download kubeconfig to download kubeconfig of your management cluster.

    5. Log in to any local machine with kubectl installed.

    6. Copy the downloaded kubeconfig to this machine.

  2. Run one of the following commands:

    • For a management cluster:

      kubectl --kubeconfig <mgmtClusterKubeconfigPath> edit -n default cluster <mgmtClusterName>
    • For a managed cluster:

      kubectl --kubeconfig <mgmtClusterKubeconfigPath> edit -n <managedClusterProjectName> cluster <managedClusterName>
  3. In the following section of the opened manifest, configure the required StackLight parameters as described in StackLight configuration parameters.

         - name: stacklight
  4. Verify StackLight after configuration.