New features

Hyper-converged OpenStack compute nodes

Implemented full support for colocation of a cluster services on the same host, for example, Ceph OSD and OpenStack compute. To avoid nodes overloading, limit the hardware resources consumption by the OpenStack compute services as described in Deployment Guide: Limit HW resources for hyperconverged OpenStack compute nodes.

LVM block storage


Implemented the capability to configure LVM as a backend for the OpenStack Block Storage service.

East-west traffic encryption


Implemented the capability to encrypt the east-west tenant traffic between the OpenStack compute nodes and gateways using strongSwan Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) solution.

Tungsten Fabric control interface specification

Implemented the capability to specify the TF control service interface for the BGP and XMPP traffic, for example, to combine it with the data traffic.

Tungsten Fabric 2011


Implemented support for Tungsten Fabric 2011.

Full support for SR-IOV in Tungsten Fabric

Implemented full support for SR-IOV in Tungsten Fabric. After the OpenStackDeployment CR modification, the TF Operator now generates a separate vRouter DaemonSet with specified settings.

After the SR-IOV enablement, the tf-vrouter-agent pods are automatically restarted on the corresponding nodes causing the network services interruption on virtual machines running on these hosts. Therefore, plan this procedure accordingly.

Ceph default configuration options

Enhanced Ceph Controller to automatically specify default configuration options for each Ceph cluster during the Ceph deployment.

Disabling of TX offload on NICs used by vRouter

Implemented the capability to disable the transmit (TX) offloading using the DISABLE_TX_OFFLOAD parameter in the TFOperator CR.

targetSizeRatio in KaasCephCluster

Implemented the targetSizeRatio parameter for the replicated MOS Ceph pools. The targetSizeRatio value specifies the default ratio for each Ceph pool type to define the expected consumption of the Ceph cluster capacity.

customIngress in KaasCephCluster

Added the customIngress parameter to implement the capability to specify a custom Ingress Controller when configuring the Ceph RGW TLS.


Starting from MOS 21.3, external Ceph RGW service is not supported and will be deleted during update. If your system already uses endpoints of an external RGW service, reconfigure them to the ingress endpoints.

Improvements to StackLight alerting

Implemented the following OpenStack service-level alerts on public/ingress endpoints:

  • OpenstackAPI401Critical

  • OpenstackAPI5xxCritical

  • OpenstackPublicAPI401Critical

  • OpenstackPublicAPI5xxCritical