Ceph known issues

This section lists Ceph known issues with workarounds for the Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes release 21.5.

[18879] The RGW pod overrides the global CA bundle with an incorrect mount

During deployment of a Ceph cluster, the RADOS Gateway (RGW) pod overrides the global CA bundle located at /etc/pki/tls/certs with an incorrect self-signed CA bundle. The issue affects only clusters with public certificates.


  1. Open the KaasCephCluster CR of a managed cluster for editing:

    kubectl edit kaascephcluster -n <managedClusterProjectName>

    Substitute <managedClusterProjectName> with a corresponding value.


    If the public CA certificates also apply to the OsDpl CR, edit this resource as well.

  2. Select from the following options:

    • If you are using the GoDaddy certificates, in the cephClusterSpec.objectStorage.rgw section, replace the cacert parameters with your public CA certificate that already contains both the root CA certificate and intermediate CA certificate:

              cacert: |
                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                ca-certificate here
                -----END CERTIFICATE-----
              tlsCert: |
                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                private TLS certificate here
                -----END CERTIFICATE-----
              tlsKey: |
                -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
                private TLS key here
                -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    • If you are using the DigiCert certificates:

      1. Download the <root_CA> from DigiCert.

      2. In the cephClusterSpec.objectStorage.rgw section, replace the cacert parameters with your public intermediate CA certificate along with the root one:

                cacert: |
                  -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                  <root CA here>
                  <intermediate CA here>
                  -----END CERTIFICATE-----
                tlsCert: |
                  -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                  private TLS certificate here
                  -----END CERTIFICATE-----
                tlsKey: |
                  -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
                  private TLS key here
                  -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----