TechPreviewAvailable since MCC 2.24.0 (Cluster release 14.0.1)
You can enable custom host names for cluster machines so that any machine host
name in a particular management cluster and its managed clusters matches
the related Machine object name.
For example, instead of the default kaas-node-<UID>, a machine host name
will be master-0. The custom naming format is more convenient and easier
to operate with.
After you enable custom host names on an existing management
cluster, names of all newly deployed machines in this cluster and its
managed clusters will match machine host names. Existing host names will
remain the same.
If you are going to clean up a management cluster with this feature enabled
after cluster deployment, make sure to manually delete machines with existing
non-custom host names before cluster cleanup to prevent cleanup failure.
For details, see Remove a management cluster.
You can enable custom host names during management cluster bootstrap during
initial cluster configuration. For details, see Container Cloud Deployment
Guide: Deploy a management cluster.
To enable the feature on an existing cluster, see the procedure below.
To enable custom host names on an existing management cluster:
Open the Cluster object of the management cluster for editing:
In the spec.providerSpec.value.kaas.regional section of the required
region, find the required provider name under helmReleases and add
customHostnamesEnabled:true under values.config. For example: