Back up TF databases

MOSK enables you to perform the automatic TF data backup using the tf-dbbackup-job cron job. Also, you can configure a remote NFS storage for TF data backups. For configuration details, refer to the Tungsten Fabric database section in Reference Architecture.

This section provides instructions on how to back up the TF data manually if needed.

Manually back up TF data in the JSON format

  1. Disable the Neutron server that is used by OpenStack to communicate with the Tungsten Fabric API:


    The database changes associated with northbound APIs must be stopped on all systems before performing any backup operations.

    1. Scale the neutron-server deployment to 0 replicas:

      kubectl -n openstack scale deploy neutron-server --replicas 0
    2. Verify the number of replicas:

      kubectl -n openstack get deploy neutron-server

      Example of a positive system response:

      NAME             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      neutron-server   0/0     0            0           6d22h
  2. Join the Tungsten Fabric API that is part of the config DaemonSet:

    1. Obtain the tf-config pod:

      kubectl -n tf get pod -l tungstenfabric=config

      Example of a system response:

      NAME              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      tf-config-6ppvc   5/5     Running   0         5d4h
      tf-config-rgqqq   5/5     Running   0         5d4h
      tf-config-sb4kk   5/5     Running   0         5d4h
    2. Join the Bash shell of one of the api container from the previous step:

      kubectl -n tf exec -it tf-config-<hash> -c api -- bash

      Example of a system response:

      (config-api[hostname])[<USER>@<HOSTNAME> /]$
  3. Inside the api container, change the directory to the Python config management packages:

    cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cfgm_common
  4. Back up data using db_json_exim in JSON format:

    python --export-to /tmp/db-dump.json
  5. Verify the created dump:

    cat /tmp/db-dump.json | python -m json.tool | less
  6. Copy the backup from the container:

    kubectl -n tf cp tf-config-<hash>:/tmp/db-dump.json <DESTINATION-PATH-FOR-BACKUP>
  7. On the same config node, copy the contrail-api.conf file from the container to the host:

    kubectl -n tf cp tf-config-<hash>:/etc/contrail/contrail-api.conf <DESTINATION-PATH-FOR-CONF>
  8. Enable the Neutron server:

    1. Scale the neutron-server deployment back to the desired number of replicas. Default is 3.

      kubectl -n openstack scale deploy neutron-server --replicas <DESIRED-NUM-REPLICAS>
    2. Verify the number of replicas:

      kubectl -n openstack get deploy neutron-server

      Example of a system response:

      NAME             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      neutron-server   3/3     3            3           6d23h