Verify Ceph cluster state

To verify the state of a Ceph cluster, Ceph Controller provides special sections in KaaSCephCluster.status. The resource contains information about the state of the Ceph cluster components, their health, and potentially problematic components.

To verify the Ceph cluster state from a managed cluster:

  1. Obtain kubeconfig of a managed cluster and provide it as an environment variable:

    export KUBECONFIG=<pathToManagedKubeconfig>
  2. Obtain the MiraCeph resource in YAML format:

    kubectl -n ceph-lcm-mirantis get miraceph -o yaml

    Information from MiraCeph.status is passed to the miraCephInfo section of the KaaSCephCluster CR. For details, see KaaSCephCluster.status miraCephInfo specification.

  3. Obtain the MiraCephLog resource in YAML format:

    kubectl -n ceph-lcm-mirantis get miracephlog -o yaml

    Information from MiraCephLog is passed to the fullClusterInfo and shortClusterInfo sections of the KaaSCephCluster CR. For details, see KaaSCephCluster.status shortClusterInfo specification and KaaSCephCluster.status fullClusterInfo specification.

To verify the Ceph cluster state from a management cluster:

  1. Obtain the KaaSCephCluster resource in the YAML format:

    kubectl -n <projectName> get kaascephcluster -o yaml

    Substitute <projectName> with the project name of the managed cluster.

  2. Verify the state of the required component using KaaSCephCluster.status description.