New features

MOSK 23.1 features


Support scope




Dynamic configuration of resource oversubscription

Tungsten Fabric


Tungsten Fabric 21.4 full support


Advanced load balancing with Tungsten Fabric



  • OpenStack Controller alerts

  • Support for new panels for OpenSearch and Prometheus with the storage usage details

  • Bond interfaces monitoring

  • Logs forwarding to external destinations

  • Ability to set custom TLS certificates for iam-proxy endpoints



  • Sensitive information hidden from OpenStackDeployment

  • Automated password rotation for MOSK superuser and service accounts

  • Encrypted data transfer between VNC proxy and hypervisor VNC server


  • Restricted privileges for project administrator

Cluster update


  • Graceful reboot of cluster nodes

  • Mirantis Container Cloud web UI to identify cluster nodes that require reboot

Other components


  • Ceph upgrade to Pacific 16.2.11

  • PowerDNS upgrade to 4.7



Dynamic configuration of resource oversubscription

Introduced a new default way to configure the resource oversubscription in the cloud that enables the cloud operator to dynamically control the oversubscription through the Compute service (OpenStack Nova) placement API.

The initial configuration is performed through the OpenStackDeployment custom resource. By default, the following values are applied:

  • cpu: 8.0

  • disk: 1.6

  • ram: 1.0

Tungsten Fabric 21.4 full support

Starting from 23.1, MOSK deploys all new clouds using Tungsten Fabric 21.4 by default. The existing OpenStack deployments using Tungsten Fabric as a networking backend will obtain this new version automatically during the cluster update to MOSK 23.1.

One of the key highlights of the Tungsten Fabric 21.4 release is the support for configuring Maximum Transmission Unit for virtual networks. This capability enables you to set the maximum packet size for your virtual networks, ensuring that your network traffic is optimized for performance and efficiency.

Advanced load balancing with Tungsten Fabric


Enhanced load balancing as a service for Tungsten Fabric -enabled MOSK clouds by adding support for Amphora instances on top of the Tungsten Fabric networks.

Compared to the old implementation, which relied on the Tungsten Fabric-controlled HAproxy, the new approach offers:

  • Full compatibility with the OpenStack Octavia API

  • Layer 7 load balancing policies and rules

  • Support for HTTPs/TLS terminating load balancers

  • Support for the UDP protocol



Cluster update

  • Implemented the capability to reboot several cluster nodes in one go by using the Graceful reboot mechanism provided by Mirantis Container Cloud. The mechanism restarts the selected nodes one by one, honoring the instance migration policies.

  • Implemented the capability to identify the nodes requiring reboot through both the Mirantis Container Cloud API and web UI:

    • API: reboot.required.true in status:providerStatus of a Machine object

    • Web UI: the One or more machines require a reboot notification on the Clusters and Machines pages

Other major component version update

  • Upgraded Ceph to Pacific 16.2.11 from Octopus 15.2.17

  • Upgraded PowerDNS to 4.7 from 4.2


  • Published the tutorial to help you build your first cloud application and onboard it to a MOSK cloud. The dedicated section in the User Guide will guide you through the process of deploying and managing a sample application using automation, and showcase the powerful capabilities of OpenStack.

  • Published the instructions on how you can customize the functionality of MOSK OpenStack services by installing custom system or Python packages into their container images.