OpenSearchPVCMismatch alert raises due to the OpenSearch PVC size mismatch¶
The below issue resolution applies since Container Cloud 2.22.0 (Cluster release 11.6.0) to existing clusters with insufficient resources. Before Container Cloud 2.22.0 (Cluster release 11.6.0), use the workaround described in the StackLight known issue 27732-1. New clusters deployed on top of Container Cloud 2.22.0 are not affected.
The OpenSearch elasticsearch.persistentVolumeClaimSize
custom setting can
be overwritten by logging.persistentVolumeClaimSize
during deployment of a
Container Cloud cluster of any type and is set to the default 30Gi
. This
issue raises the OpenSearchPVCMismatch
alert. Since
is immutable, you cannot update
the value by editing of the Cluster
This issue does not affect cluster operability if the current volume capacity is enough for the cluster needs.
To apply the issue resolution, select from the following use cases:
StackLight with an expandable StorageClass for OpenSearch PVCs
Verify that the StorageClass provisioner has enough space to satisfy the new size:
kubectl get helmbundle stacklight-bundle -n stacklight -o json | jq '.spec.releases[] | select(.name == "opensearch") |'
The system response contains the value of the
parameter.Scale down the
StatefulSet with dependent resources to 0 and disable theelasticsearch-curator
CronJob:kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 deployment opensearch-dashboards \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=opensearch-dashboards | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=10m pod kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 deployment metricbeat \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=metricbeat | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=10m pod kubectl -n stacklight patch cronjobs elasticsearch-curator -p '{"spec": {"suspend": true}}' kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 statefulset opensearch-master \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=opensearch-master | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=30m pod
Patch the PVC with the correct value for
:pvc_size=$(kubectl -n stacklight get statefulset -l 'app=opensearch-master' \ -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.volumeClaimTemplates[] // "" | startswith("opensearch-master")).spec.volumeClaimTemplates[]') kubectl -n stacklight patch pvc opensearch-master-opensearch-master-0 \ -p '{ "spec": { "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "'"${pvc_size}"'" }}}}'
Scale up the
StatefulSet with dependent resources to1
and enable theelasticsearch-curator
CronJob:replicas=$(kubectl get helmbundle stacklight-bundle -n stacklight \ -o json | jq '.spec.releases[] | select(.name == "opensearch") | .values.replicas') kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas ${replicas} statefulset opensearch-master \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=opensearch-master kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 1 deployment opensearch-dashboards \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=10m pod -l app=opensearch-dashboards kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 1 deployment metricbeat \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=10m pod -l app=metricbeat kubectl -n stacklight patch cronjobs elasticsearch-curator -p '{"spec": {"suspend": false}}'
StackLight with a non-expandable StorageClass for OpenSearch PVCs
If StackLight is operating in HA mode, the local volume provisioner (LVP) has a non-expandable StorageClass used for OpenSearch PVCs provisioning. Thus, the affected PV nodes have insufficient disk space.
If StackLight is operating in non-HA mode, the default non-expandable storage provisioner is used.
After applying this issue resolution, the existing OpenSearch data will be lost. If data loss is acceptable, proceed with the steps below.
Move the existing log data to a new PV if required.
Verify that the provisioner has enough space to satisfy the new size:
kubectl get helmbundle stacklight-bundle -n stacklight -o json | jq '.spec.releases[] | select(.name == "opensearch") |'
The system response contains the value of the
parameter.To satisfy the required size:
For LVP, increase the disk size
For non-LVP, make sure that the default StorageClass provisioner has enough space
Scale down the
StatefulSet with dependent resources to0
and disable theelasticsearch-curator
CronJob:kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 deployment opensearch-dashboards \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=opensearch-dashboards | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=10m pod kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 deployment metricbeat \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=metricbeat | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=10m pod kubectl -n stacklight patch cronjobs elasticsearch-curator -p '{"spec": {"suspend": true}}' kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 0 statefulset opensearch-master \ && kubectl -n stacklight get pods -l app=opensearch-master | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | \ xargs -r kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=delete --timeout=30m pod
Delete existing PVCs:
kubectl delete pvc -l 'app=opensearch-master' -n stacklight
This command removes all existing logs data from PVCs.
Scale up the
StatefulSet with dependent resources and enable theelasticsearch-curator
CronJob:replicas=$(kubectl get helmbundle stacklight-bundle -n stacklight \ -o json | jq '.spec.releases[] | select(.name == "opensearch") | .values.replicas') kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas ${replicas} statefulset opensearch-master \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=opensearch-master kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 1 deployment opensearch-dashboards \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=10m pod -l app=opensearch-dashboards kubectl -n stacklight scale --replicas 1 deployment metricbeat \ && kubectl -n stacklight wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=10m pod -l app=metricbeat kubectl -n stacklight patch cronjobs elasticsearch-curator -p '{"spec": {"suspend": false}}'
To verify whether a StorageClass is expandable:
kubectl get pvc -l 'app=opensearch-master' -n stacklight \
-Ao jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.storageClassName}{"\n"}{end}' | \
xargs -I{} bash -c "echo -n 'StorageClass: {}, expandable: ' \
&& kubectl get storageclass {} -Ao jsonpath='{.allowVolumeExpansion}' && echo ''"
Example of a system response for an expandable StorageClass:
StorageClass: csi-sc-cinderplugin, expandable: true
Example of a system response for a non-expandable StorageClass:
StorageClass: stacklight-elasticsearch-data, expandable:
StorageClass: stacklight-elasticsearch-data, expandable:
StorageClass: stacklight-elasticsearch-data, expandable: