Update known issues

This section lists the update known issues with workarounds for the MOSK release 24.1.

[40036] Node is not removed from a cluster when its ‘Machine’ is ‘disabled’

Fixed in 24.1.1 Fixed in 24.2

During the ClusterRelease update of a MOSK cluster, a node cannot be removed from the Kubernetes cluster if the related Machine object is disabled.

As a workaround, remove the finalizer from the affected Node object.

[41810] Cluster update is stuck due to the OpenStack controller flooding

Fixed in 24.1.3

The cluster update may stuck if the maximum number of the worker nodes to update simultaneously is ten or higher.

To work around the problem, set the spec.providerSpec.maxWorkerUpgradeCount to a value lower than 10. For configuration details, see Configure the parallel update of worker nodes.