Tungsten Fabric load balancing (HAProxy)


Since 23.1, MOSK provides technology preview for Octavia Amphora load balancing. To start experimenting with the new load balancing solution, refer to Octavia Amphora load balancing.

MOSK ensures Octavia with Tungsten Fabric integration by OpenStack Octavia Driver with Tungsten Fabric HAProxy as a backend.

The Tungsten Fabric-based MOSK deployment supports creation, update, and deletion operations with the following standard load balancing API entities:

  • Load balancers


    For a load balancer creation operation, the driver supports only the vip-subnet-id argument, the vip-network-id argument is not supported.

  • Listeners

  • Pools

  • Health monitors

The Tungsten Fabric-based MOSK deployment does not support the following load balancing capabilities:

  • L7 load balancing capabilities, such as L7 policies, L7 rules, and others

  • Setting specific availability zones for load balancers and their resources

  • Using of the UDP protocol

  • Operations with Octavia quotas

  • Operations with Octavia flavors


The Tungsten Fabric-based MOSK deployment enables you to manage the load balancer resources by means of the OpenStack CLI or OpenStack Horizon. Do not perform any manipulations with the load balancer resources through the Tungsten Fabric web UI because in this case the changes will not be reflected on the OpenStack API side.