Use the Shared Filesystems service

Available since MOSK 24.3 as GA Available since MOSK 22.5 as TechPreview

This section provides instructions on how to create a share filesystem resource using default service settings.

Prepare an environment to work with Manila

  1. Create a share network:

    openstack share network create --name <share-network-name> \
                                   --neutron-net-id <neutron-net-id> \
                                   --neutron-subnet-id <neutron-subnet-id>

    For example, use the command below to create the demo_share_net share network with the following neutron-net-id and neutron-subnet-id:

    • 2a23fceb-eeed-439c-8506-ef489362d1ee is the ID of the demo_net network which the virtual machine is connected to

    • 479b27e4-0b73-4f8d-a838-d330d72578ea is the ID of the demo_subnet subnet of the demo_net network, which is connected to a public router

    openstack share network create --name demo_share_net \
                                   --neutron-net-id 2a23fceb-eeed-439c-8506-ef489362d1ee  \
                                   --neutron-subnet-id 479b27e4-0b73-4f8d-a838-d330d72578ea

    Example of a positive system response:

    | Field                           | Value                                                    |
    | created_at                      | 2022-11-23T15:24:16.291622                               |
    | description                     | None                                                     |
    | id                              | 52438b02-7a06-4dfc-a0a9-cbc773bd4389                     |
    | name                            | demo_share_net                                           |
    | project_id                      | 6a1e7dfe64164fb884e146634a84b204                         |
    | security_service_update_support | True                                                     |
    | share_network_subnets           |                                                          |
    |                                 | id = bfa7e38f-2132-4c13-85d4-bf51085f6360                |
    |                                 | availability_zone = None                                 |
    |                                 | created_at = 2022-11-23T15:24:16.336306                  |
    |                                 | updated_at = None                                        |
    |                                 | segmentation_id = None                                   |
    |                                 | neutron_net_id = 2a23fceb-eeed-439c-8506-ef489362d1ee    |
    |                                 | neutron_subnet_id = 479b27e4-0b73-4f8d-a838-d330d72578ea |
    |                                 | ip_version = None                                        |
    |                                 | cidr = None                                              |
    |                                 | network_type = None                                      |
    |                                 | mtu = None                                               |
    |                                 | gateway = None                                           |
    | status                          | active                                                   |
    | updated_at                      | None                                                     |
  2. Verify that the share network has been successfully created:

    openstack share network list

    Example of a positive system response:

    | ID                                   | Name           |
    | 52438b02-7a06-4dfc-a0a9-cbc773bd4389 | demo_share_net |

Create a share file system and grant access to it

  1. Create a 1Gb NFS share:

    openstack share create --name <share-name> NFS 1 \
                           --share-network <share-network-name>

    For example, to create the demo_share share:

    openstack share create --name demo_share NFS 1 --share-network demo_share_net

    Example of a positive system response:

    | Field                                 | Value                                |
    | access_rules_status                   | active                               |
    | availability_zone                     | None                                 |
    | create_share_from_snapshot_support    | False                                |
    | created_at                            | 2022-11-23T15:34:28.604430           |
    | description                           | None                                 |
    | has_replicas                          | False                                |
    | host                                  |                                      |
    | id                                    | 9e864fc8-c3f6-464e-a91f-3aad236b1c8d |
    | is_public                             | False                                |
    | is_soft_deleted                       | False                                |
    | metadata                              | {}                                   |
    | mount_snapshot_support                | False                                |
    | name                                  | demo_share                           |
    | progress                              | None                                 |
    | project_id                            | 6a1e7dfe64164fb884e146634a84b204     |
    | replication_type                      | None                                 |
    | revert_to_snapshot_support            | False                                |
    | scheduled_to_be_deleted_at            | None                                 |
    | share_group_id                        | None                                 |
    | share_network_id                      | 52438b02-7a06-4dfc-a0a9-cbc773bd4389 |
    | share_proto                           | NFS                                  |
    | share_server_id                       | None                                 |
    | share_type                            | dbbca99c-268e-490a-b4de-b420d407e4d7 |
    | share_type_name                       | default                              |
    | size                                  | 1                                    |
    | snapshot_id                           | None                                 |
    | snapshot_support                      | False                                |
    | source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None                                 |
    | status                                | creating                             |
    | task_state                            | None                                 |
    | user_id                               | c2a226097e1f442dbbd065534e61c20a     |
    | volume_type                           | default                              |
  2. Verify that the share creation has been finalized:

    openstack share list

    Example of a positive system response:

    | ID                                   | Name       | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host                                                                  | Availability Zone |
    | 9e864fc8-c3f6-464e-a91f-3aad236b1c8d | demo_share |    1 | NFS         | available | False     | default         | ok-rs-vwiza7ejeugp-1-swk6jtqte3gp-server-ovr6zpdtas6y@generic#GENERIC | nova              |
  3. Grant the rw access to the virtual machine:

    openstack share access create <share-name> ip <VM-IP> --access-level rw

    For example:

    openstack share access create demo_share ip --access-level rw

    Example of a positive system response:

    | Field        | Value                                |
    | id           | b356fdd2-b019-4fef-95da-93bc7a6e407d |
    | share_id     | 9e864fc8-c3f6-464e-a91f-3aad236b1c8d |
    | access_level | rw                                   |
    | access_to    |                           |
    | access_type  | ip                                   |
    | state        | queued_to_apply                      |
    | access_key   | None                                 |
    | created_at   | 2022-11-23T15:40:42.540847           |
    | updated_at   | None                                 |
    | properties   |                                      |
  4. List grants for the share you created:

    openstack share access list <share-name>

    For example, to list the grants for the demo_share share:

    openstack share access list demo_share
    | ID                                   | Access Type | Access To   | Access Level | State  | Access Key | Created At                 | Updated At |
    | b356fdd2-b019-4fef-95da-93bc7a6e407d | ip          |  | rw           | active | None       | 2022-11-23T15:40:42.540847 | None       |

Connect the share to the virtual machine

  1. Obtain the share URL:

    openstack share show <share-name> -c export_locations -f value

    For example, to obtain the demo_share URL:

    openstack share show demo_share -c export_locations -f value

    Example of a positive system response where the URL is

    id = 29b59502-6165-4ec5-b174-76553490510c
    path =
    preferred = False
    share_instance_id = 04c212a4-a547-4f06-b8eb-3b5006878c6e
    is_admin_only = False
    id = a6fb11a1-d015-4de3-8b30-98e0d2027c02
    path =
    preferred = False
    share_instance_id = 04c212a4-a547-4f06-b8eb-3b5006878c6e
    is_admin_only = True
  2. Log in to the virtual machine using the share URL obtained in the previous step and run as root:

    mount -t nfs <share-URL> /mnt/
  3. Verify that the share is mounted and has a property size:

    df -h /mnt

    Example of a positive system response:

    Filesystem                                                      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  974M     0  907M   0% /mnt