Debugging the OsDpl CR

This section includes the ways to mitigate the most common issues with the OsDpl CR. We assume that you have already debugged the Helm releases and OpenStack Controllers to rule out possible failures with these components as described in Debugging the Helm releases and Debugging the OpenStack Controller.

The osdpl has DEPLOYED=false

Possible root cause: One or more Helm releases have not been deployed successfully.

To determine if you are affected:

Verify the status of the osdpl object:

kubectl -n openstack get osdpl osh-dev

Example of a system response:

osh-dev   22h   false      false

To debug the issue:

  1. Identify the failed release by assessing the status:children section in the OsDpl resource:

    1. Get the OsDpl YAML file:

      kubectl -n openstack get osdpl osh-dev -o yaml
    2. Analyze the status output using the detailed description in OpenStackDeploymentStatus custom resource.

  2. For further debugging, refer to Debugging the Helm releases.

Some pods are stuck in Init

Possible root cause: MOSK uses the Kubernetes entrypoint init container to resolve dependencies between objects. If the pod is stuck in Init:0/X, this pod may be waiting for its dependencies.

To debug the issue:

Verify the missing dependencies:

kubectl -n openstack logs -f placement-api-84669d79b5-49drw -c init

Example of a system response:

Entrypoint WARNING: 2020/04/21 11:52:50 entrypoint.go:72: Resolving dependency Job placement-ks-user in namespace openstack failed: Job Job placement-ks-user in namespace openstack is not completed yet .
Entrypoint WARNING: 2020/04/21 11:52:52 entrypoint.go:72: Resolving dependency Job placement-ks-endpoints in namespace openstack failed: Job Job placement-ks-endpoints in namespace openstack is not completed yet .

Some Helm releases are not present

Possible root cause: some OpenStack services depend on Ceph. These services include OpenStack Image, OpenStack Compute, and OpenStack Block Storage. If the Helm releases for these services are not present, the openstack-ceph-keys secret may be missing in the openstack-ceph-shared namespace.

To debug the issue:

Verify that the Ceph Controller has created the openstack-ceph-keys secret in the openstack-ceph-shared namespace:

kubectl -n openstack-ceph-shared get secrets openstack-ceph-keys

Example of a positive system response:

NAME                  TYPE     DATA   AGE
openstack-ceph-keys   Opaque   7      23h

If the secret is not present, create one manually.