Verify machine status

This section instructs you on how to verify machine status of a MOSK cluster using the Container Cloud web UI during cluster deployment or day-2 operations such as cluster update, maintenance, and so on.

Machine statuses

The machine creation starts with the Provision status. During provisioning, the machine is not expected to be accessible since its infrastructure (VM, network, and so on) is being created.

Other machine statuses are the same as the LCMMachine object states:

  1. Uninitialized - the machine is not yet assigned to an LCMCluster.

  2. Pending - the agent reports a node IP address and host name.

  3. Prepare - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the prepare phase. This phase usually involves downloading the necessary archives and packages.

  4. Deploy - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the deploy phase that is becoming a Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) node.

  5. Ready - the machine is being deployed.

  6. Upgrade - the machine is being upgraded to the new MKE version.

  7. Reconfigure - the machine executes StateItems that correspond to the reconfigure phase. The machine configuration is being updated without affecting workloads running on the machine.

Once the status changes to Ready, the deployment of the cluster components on this machine is complete.

To monitor the deploy or update live status of the machine, use one of the following options:

  • Quick status

    On the Clusters page, in the Managers or Workers column. The green status icon indicates that the machine is Ready, the orange status icon indicates that the machine is Updating.

  • Detailed status

    In the Machines section of a particular cluster page, in the Status column. Hover over a particular machine status icon to verify the deploy or update status of a specific machine component.

Monitored components of a machine

You can monitor the status of the following machine components:




Readiness of a node in a Kubernetes cluster.


Health and readiness of a node in a Docker Swarm cluster.


LCM readiness status of a node.


Readiness of a node in the underlying bare metal infrastructure.

Graceful Reboot

Readiness of a machine during a scheduled graceful reboot of a cluster, available since Container Cloud 2.24.x (Cluster releases 15.0.1 and 14.0.0).

Infrastructure Status

Available since Container Cloud 2.25.0 (Cluster releases 17.0.0 and 16.0.0). Readiness of the IPAMHost, L2Template, BareMetalHost, and BareMetalHostProfile objects associated with the machine.

LCM Operation

Available since Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 and 16.1.0). Health of all LCM operations on the machine.

LCM Agent

Available since Container Cloud 2.27.0 (Cluster releases 17.2.0 and 16.2.0). Health of the LCM Agent on the machine and the status of the LCM Agent update to the version from the current Cluster release.

Monitor live machine status using API

You can monitor the live status of a machine deployment of update using the kubectl get machines <machineName> -o wide command.

Example of system response for the above command since Container Cloud 2.23.0 (Cluster release 11.7.0):

demo-0  true   Ready     kaas-node-c6aa8ad3  1             false

For the history of a machine deployment or update, refer to Inspect the history of a cluster and machine deployment or update.