Support dump


Support dump described in this section specifically targets OpenStack components, providing valuable insights for troubleshooting OpenStack-related problems.

To generate a support dump for your MOSK environment, use the osctl sos report tool present within the openstack-controller image.

This section focuses only on the essential capabilities of the tool. For all available parameters, consult osctl sos report --help.


The support dump is modular. Each module is responsible for specific functionality. To enable or disable specific modules during support dump creation, use the --collector option. If not specified, all collectors are used.

Support dump collectors




Collects logs from StackLight by connecting to the OpenSearch API.


Collects data about objects from Kubernetes.


Collects metadata associated with the Compute service (OpenStack Nova) from the OpenStack nodes. This encompasses a wide range of data, including instance details, general libvirt information, and so on.


Collects metadata associated with the Networking service (OpenStack Neutron) from the OpenStack nodes. This encompasses a wide range of data, including Open vSwitch statistics, list of namespaces, IP address statistics in namespaces, Open vSwitch flows, and so on.


Given the substantial amount of information, you can manage the components included in a support dump using the mutually exclusive --component or --all-components options. Within the elastic collector component, you can specify which loggers to gather logs for. For example, the --component nova option restricts log collection to pods related to Nova, which names start with nova-* and libvirt-*.


Another filtering criterion involves specifying the host for which you intend to collect support information. This can be accomplished through the use of mutually exclusive --host or --all-hosts options. This feature is particularly valuable for limiting the volume of data included in the support dump.


Support dump works in the following modes:

  • report

    Generic report is created, no specific information such as resource UUID is included. The tool collects as much information as possible.

  • trace

    Provides more sophisticated filtering criteria rather than the report mode. For example, you can search for specific message patterns in OpenSearch.


Since MOSK 23.2, you can execute the osctl sos commands directly in the openstack-controller pod. For example:

kubectl -n osh-system exec -it deployment/openstack-controller bash

osctl sos --since 1d \
          --all-hosts \
          --component neutron \
          --collector elastic \
          --workspace /tmp/ report

To get trace for a specific resource UUID in Neutron for a specific host, use the following command as an example:

kubectl -n osh-system exec -it deployment/openstack-controller bash

osctl sos --since 1d \
          --host kaas-node-fe0734de-20e8-4493-9f7d-52c4f8a8a98c \
          --component neutron \
          --workspace /workspace/ \
          --collector elastic trace --message ".4a055675-89b0-45c2-a3b3-a10dffa07f31."

For older MOSK versions, to start generating support dumps, execute the osctl sos commands from a manually started Docker container on any node of your cluster. For example, to create a generic report for the Neutron component:

docker run -v /home/ubuntu/sosreport/:/workspace -v /root/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config -it bash

osctl sos --since 1d \
          --elastic-url \
          --all-hosts \
          --component neutron \
          --collector elastic \
          --workspace /workspace/ report

Note is the IP address of the opensearch-master StackLight service. To obtain it, run:

kubectl -n stacklight get svc opensearch-master -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')