Image service

Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) provides the image management capability through the OpenStack Image service, aka Glance.

The Image service enables you to discover, register, and retrieve virtual machine images. Using the Glance API, you can query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve actual images.

MOSK deployment profiles include the Image service in the core set of services. You can configure the Image service through the spec:features definition in the OpenStackDeployment custom resource.

Image signature verification


MOSK can automatically verify the cryptographic signatures associated with images to ensure the integrity of their data. A signed image has a few additional properties set in its metadata that include img_signature, img_signature_hash_method, img_signature_key_type, and img_signature_certificate_uuid. You can find more information about these properties and their values in the upstream OpenStack documentation.

MOSK performs image signature verification during the following operations:

  • A cloud user or a service creates an image in the store and starts to upload its data. If the signature metadata properties are set on the image, its content gets verified against the signature. The Image service accepts non-signed image uploads.

  • A cloud user spawns a new instance from an image. The Compute service ensures that the data it downloads from the image storage matches the image signature. If the signature is missing or does not match the data, the operation fails. Limitations apply, see Known limitations.

  • A cloud user boots an instance from a volume, or creates a new volume from an image. If the image is signed, the Block Storage service compares the downloaded image data against the signature. If there is a mismatch, the operation fails. The service will accept a non-signed image as a source for a volume. Limitations apply, see Known limitations.

Configuration example

        enabled: true

Signing pre-built images

Every MOSK cloud is pre-provisioned with a baseline set of images containing most popular operating systems, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, CirrOS.

In addition, a few services in MOSK rely on the creation of service instances to provide their functions, namely the Load Balancer service and the Bare Metal service, and require corresponding images to exist in the image store.

When image signature verification is enabled during the cloud deployment, all these images get automatically signed with a pre-generated self-signed certificate. Enabling the feature in an already existing cloud requires manual signing of all of the images stored in it. Consult the OpenStack documentation for an example of the image signing procedure.

Supported storage backends

The image signature verification is supported for LVM and local backends for ephemeral storage.

The functionality is not compatible with Ceph-backed ephemeral storage combined with RAW formatted images. The Ceph copy-on-write mechanism enables the user to create instance virtual disks without downloading the image to a compute node, the data is handled completely on the side of a Ceph cluster. This enables you to spin up instances almost momentarily but makes it impossible to verify the image data before creating an instance from it.

Known limitations

  • The Image service does not enforce the presence of a signature in the metadata when the user creates a new image. The service will accept the non-signed image uploads.

  • The Image service does not verify the correctness of an image signature upon update of the image metadata.

  • MOSK does not validate if the certificate used to sign an image is trusted, it only ensures the correctness of the signature itself. Cloud users are allowed to use self-signed certificates.

  • The Compute service does not verify image signature for Ceph backend when the RAW image format is used as described in Supported storage backends.

  • The Compute service does not verify image signature if the image is already cached on the target compute node.

  • The Instance HA service may experience issues when auto-evacuating instances created from signed images if it does have access to the corresponding secrets in the Key manager service.

  • The Block Storage service does not perform image signature verification when a Ceph backend is used and the images are in the RAW format.

  • The Block Storage service does not enforce the presence of a signature on the images.