CLI Reference

You can use the MSR CLI tool to backup and restore the software, perform database administration tasks, and gather information on RethinkDB clusters. The tool runs in interactive mode by default, issuing prompts as necessary for any required values.

To access the MSR CLI:

Following MSR installation, run the helm get notes command for instructions on how to access the MSR CLI:

helm get notes <RELEASE_NAME>


Additional help is available for the CLI and for each command using the –help option.

To access the MSR CLI on Swarm deployments, execute the following command from any node where MSR is installed:

docker exec -it $(docker ps -q --filter "") msr


Additional help is available for the CLI and for each command using the –help option.


msr [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]



Due to the significant changes put forward with the introduction of the MSR 3.0.0 release, several legacy MSR CLI commands became unnecessary and have been removed. The commands that are no longer available are:

  • dtr destroy

  • dtr images

  • dtr join

  • dtr reconfigure

  • dtr remove

  • dtr upgrade

Global options



--log-level value

Sets the log level.

  • Valid values: panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace

  • Environmental variable: $MSR_LOG_LEVEL, $LOG_LEVEL

  • Default: info

--help, -h

Indicates whether to show help.

  • Environmental variable: N/A

  • Default: false