Install MSR

After installing the prerequisites, you can deploy MSR by editing and applying the custom resource manifest, downloadable herein.

Following MSR installation, you can make changes to the the MSR CustomResource (CR) by using kubectl to edit the custom resource manifest.

To install MSR:

  1. Download the cr-sample-manifest YAML file by clicking cr-sample-manifest.yaml.

  2. Edit the cr-sample-manifest.yaml to include a reference to the offline registry:

        registry: <registry-ip>
  3. Make further edits to the cr-sample-manifest.yaml file as needed. Default values will be applied for any fields that are both present in the manifest and left blank. If the field is not present in the manifest, it will receive an empty value.

  4. Invoke the following command to run the webhook health check and create the custom resources.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l \"msr-operator" && kubectl apply -f cr-sample-manifest.yaml
  5. Verify completion of the reconciliation process:

    kubectl get
    kubectl get

    To troubleshoot the reconciliation process, run the following commands:

    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe

    Review the MSR Operator Pod logs for more detailed information:

    kubectl logs <msr-operator-pod-name>

To verify the success of your MSR installation:

  1. Verify that all msr-* Pods are in the running state.

  2. Log into the MSR web UI.

  3. Log into MSR from the command line:

    docker login <private-ip>
  4. Push an image to MSR using docker push.


    The default credentials for MSR are:

    • User name: admin

    • password: password

  5. Optional. Disable outgoing connections in the MSR web UI Admin Settings.

    MSR offers outgoing connections for the following tasks:

    • Analytics reporting

    • New version notifications

    • Online license verification

    • Vulnerability scanning database updates