
You must have cert-manager, the Postgres Operator, and the RethinkDB Operator in place before you can use the offline method to install MSR.

Install cert-manager


You must be running cert-manager 1.7.2 or later.

  1. Run the helm install command:

    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
    --version 1.7.2 \
    --set installCRDs=true \
    -f my_certmanager_values.yaml
  2. Verify that cert-manager is in the Running state:

    kubectl get pods

    If any of the cert-manager Pods are not in the Running state, run kubectl describe on each Pod:

    kubectl describe <cert-manager-pod-name>


    To troubleshoot the issues that present in the kubectl describe command output, refer to Troubleshooting in the official cert-manager documentation.

Install Postgres Operator


You must be running Postgres Operator 1.9.0 or later. 1

  1. Run the helm install command with spilo_* parameters:

    helm install postgres-operator postgres-operator/postgres-operator \
    --version <version> \
    --set configKubernetes.spilo_runasuser=101 \
    --set configKubernetes.spilo_runasgroup=103 \
    --set configKubernetes.spilo_fsgroup=103 \
    -f my_postgres_values.yaml
  2. Verify that Postgres Operator is in the Running state:

    kubectl get pods

    To troubleshoot a failing Postgres Operator Pod, run the following command:

    kubectl describe <postgres-operator-pod-name>

    Review the Pod logs for more detailed results:

    kubectl logs <postgres-operator-pod-name>


By default, MSR uses the persistent volume claims detailed in Volumes.

If you have a pre-existing PersistentVolume that contains image blob data that you intend to use with a new instance of MSR, you can add the following to the MSR custom resource manifest to provide the new instance with the name of the associated PersistentVolumeClaim:

      backend: 'persistentVolume'
        existingClaim: '<pre-existing-msr-pvc>'

Be aware that this setting indicates the <release-name> PVC referred to in Volumes.

Install RethinkDB Operator

  1. Run the helm install command:

    helm install rethinkdb-operator rethinkdb-operator/rethinkdb-operator \
      --version 1.0.0 \
      -f my_rethinkdb_values.yaml
  2. Verify that RethinkDB Operator is in the Running state:

    kubectl get pods

    The RethinkDB Operator Pod name begins with rethinkdb-operator-controller-manager.

    To troubleshoot a failing RethinkDB Operator Pod, run the following command:

    kubectl describe pod <rethinkdb-operator-pod-name>

    Review the Pod logs for more detailed results:

    kubectl logs <rethinkdb-operator-pod-name>

Install MSR Operator

  1. Download the msr-operator YAML file by clicking msr-operator.yaml.

  2. Update the msr-operator.yaml file to include references to the required images in the offline registry:

    1. Identify the kube-rbac-proxy image reference in the msr-operator.yaml file:

      cat msr-operator.yaml | grep 'kube-rbac-proxy:' -n
    2. Edit the line so to refer to the correct image:

      image: <registry-ip>/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v.0.13.0
    3. Identify the msr-operator image reference in the msr-operator.yaml file:

      cat msr-operator.yaml | grep 'msr-operator:' -n
    4. Edit the line to refer to the correct image:

      image: <registry-ip>/msr/msr-operator:1.0.0
  3. Install the MSR Operator:

    kubectl apply --server-side=true -f msr-operator.yaml
  4. Verify that the MSR Operator Pod is in the Running state:

    kubectl get pods

    The MSR Operator Pod name begins with msr-operator-controller-manager.

    To troubleshoot a failing MSR Operator Pod, run the following command:

    kubectl describe pod <msr-operator-pod-name>

    Review the Pod logs for more detailed results:

    kubectl logs <msr-operator-pod-name>

Postgres Operator up through 1.8.2 uses the PodDisruptionBudget policy/v1beta1 Kubernetes API, which is no longer served as of Kubernetes 1.25. As such, various features of MSR may not function properly if Postgres Operator 1.8.2 or earlier is installed alongside MSR on Kube v1.25 or later.