Install MSR offline

The procedure provided herein assumes that you are installing MSR on an offline Swarm cluster from an Internet-connected machine that has access to the Swarm cluster through private IP addresses.


Mirantis recommends that you:

  • Install MSR on an odd number of nodes. To bypass the recommendation check in the apply command, add the :command:`–force ` option.

  • Install MSR on worker nodes only.

  1. Enable all authenticated users, including service accounts, to schedule services and perform tasks on all nodes.


    If you are using MSR in conjunction with MKE, refer to Schedule services deployment on manager and MSR nodes for detailed information.

  2. Run the following shell script from the Internet-connected machine:

    IMAGES="$IMAGES $REGISTRY/msr-installer:$TAG"
    IMAGES="$IMAGES $REGISTRY/msr-notary-signer:$TAG"
    IMAGES="$IMAGES $REGISTRY/msr-registry:$TAG"
    IMAGES="$IMAGES $REGISTRY/msr-notary-server:$TAG"
    IMAGES="$IMAGES $REGISTRY/msr-jobrunner:$TAG"
    echo "Pulling images..."
    for NAME in ${IMAGES}; do
        docker image pull ${NAME};
    echo "Saving images..."
    docker image save $IMAGES -o $FILE
    echo "Images saved. To load use docker image load -i $FILE"
  3. Copy the msr-<msr-version>.tar.gz file to each offline host machine on which you will install MSR:

    scp msr-<msr-version>.tar.gz <user-name>@<host-ip-address>:</path/to/destination>
  4. From each offline host machine on which you will install MSR, including the manager node, load the MSR images from the msr-<msr-version>.tar.gz file:

    ssh <user-name>@<host-ip-address> 'docker load -i msr-<msr-version>.tar.gz'
  5. SSH into the manager node.

  6. Generate the values.yaml file that you will use to configure and deploy MSR:

    docker run -it --rm \
    --entrypoint cat<msr-version> \
    /config/values.yml > values.yml
  7. Edit the values.yaml file to customize your MSR deployment. Be sure to place your license in the license section:

    license: '<license-string>'
  8. Obtain a list of non-manager nodes along with their node IDs:

    docker node ls --format "{{ .ID }}" --filter "role=worker"
  9. In the swarm.nodeList section of the values.yaml file, add the node IDs of the worker nodes on which you plan to install MSR:

        - <node-id-1>
        - <node-id-2>
        - <node-id-3>
  10. Install MSR, specifying the node ID of the worker on which you will run MSR:

    docker run \
      --rm \
      -it \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      -v <path-to-values.yml>:/config/values.yml \<msr-version> \
      apply \
      --https-port 8443 \
      --http-port 8888


    • For MSR 3.1.4 or earlier use the install command instead of the apply command.

    • If you do not specify any worker nodes on which to install MSR, the process fails. You must specify at least one node within swarm.nodeList to indicate which node msr-installer should use.

  11. Optional. Use a load balancer to expose services externally in the swarm. MSR on Swarm relies on Ingress load balancing. Refer to the official Load balancing documentation for more information.

  12. Review the status of the deployed services. Be aware that this may require a wait time of up to two minutes.

    docker stack services msr
  13. Access the MSR web UI at https://<node-ip>:443. The default username and password are admin:password.

  14. Optional. Disable outgoing connections in the MSR web UI Admin Settings. MSR offers outgoing connections for the following tasks:

    • Analytics reporting

    • New version notifications

    • Online license verification

    • Vulnerability scanning database updates