By default, Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR) uses persistent cookies.
Alternatively, you can switch to using session-based authentication cookies
that expire when you close your browser.
To disable persistent cookies:
Log in to the MSR web UI.
In the left-side navigation panel, navigate to System.
On the General tab, scroll down to Browser Cookies.
Slide the toggle to the right next to
Disable persistent cookies.
Verify that persistent cookies are disabled:
Using Chrome
Log in to the MSR web UI using Chrome.
Right-click any page and select Inspect.
In the Developer Tools panel, navigate to
Application > Cookies > https://<msr-external-url>.
Verify that Expires / Max-Age is set to
Using Firefox
Log in to the MSR web UI using Firefox.
Right-click any page and select Inspect.
In the Developer Tools panel, navigate to
Storage > Cookies > https://<msr-external-url>.