Manage webhooks

You can configure MSR to automatically post event notifications to a webhook URL of your choosing. This lets you build complex CI and CD pipelines with your Docker images.

Webhook types

Event type


Access level


Tag pushed to repository (TAG_PUSH)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Tag pulled from repository (TAG_PULL)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Tag deleted from repository (TAG_DELETE)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Manifest pushed to repository (MANIFEST_PUSH)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Manifest pulled from repository (MANIFEST_PULL)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Manifest deleted from repository (MANIFEST_DELETE)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Security scan completed (SCAN_COMPLETED)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Security scan failed (SCAN_FAILED)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Image promoted from repository (PROMOTION)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Image mirrored from repository (PUSH_MIRRORING)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Image mirrored from remote repository (POLL_MIRRORING)

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Repository created, updated, or deleted (REPO_CREATED, REPO_UPDATED, and REPO_DELETED)

Namespace, organizations

Namespace, organization owners

API only

Security scanner update completed (SCANNER_UPDATE_COMPLETED))


MSR admin

API only

Helm chart deleted from repository (CHART_DELETE))

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Helm chart pushed to repository (CHART_PUSH))

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Helm chart pulled from repository (CHART_PULL))

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

Helm chart linting completed (CHART_LINTED))

Individual repositories

Repository admin

Web UI and API

You must have admin privileges to a repository or namespace in order to subscribe to its webhook events. For example, a user must be an admin of repository “foo/bar” to subscribe to its tag push events. An MSR admin can subscribe to any event.

Manage repository webhooks with the web interface

You must have admin privileges to the repository in order to create a webhook or edit any aspect of an existing webhook.

Create a webhook for your repository

  1. In your browser, navigate to https://<msr-url> and log in with your credentials.

  2. Select Repositories from the left-side navigation panel, and then click on the name of the repository that you want to view. Note that you will have to click on the repository name following the / after the specific namespace for your repository.

  3. Select the Webhooks tab, and click New Webhook.

  4. From the Notification to receive drop-down list, select the event that will trigger the webhook.

  5. Set the URL that will receive the JSON payload. Click Test next to the Webhook URL field, so that you can validate that the integration is working. At your specified URL, you should receive a JSON payload for your chosen event type notification.

      "type": "TAG_PUSH",
      "createdAt": "2019-05-15T19:39:40.607337713Z",
      "contents": {
        "namespace": "foo",
        "repository": "bar",
        "tag": "latest",
        "digest": "sha256:b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c",
        "imageName": "foo/bar:latest",
        "os": "linux",
        "architecture": "amd64",
        "author": "",
        "pushedAt": "2015-01-02T15:04:05Z"
      "location": "/repositories/foo/bar/tags/latest"
  6. (Optional) Assign a TLS certificate to your webhook.

    1. Expand Show advanced settings.

    2. Paste the TLS certificate associated with your webhook URL into the TLS Cert field.


      For testing purposes, you can test your TLS certificate over HTTP rather than HTTPS.

    3. To circumvent TLS verification, tick the Skip TLS Verification checkbox.

  7. (Optional) Format your webhook message.

    You can use Golang templates to format the webhook messages that are sent.

    1. Expand Show advanced settings.

    2. Paste the configured Golang template for the webhook message into the Webhook Message Format field.

  8. Click Create to save the webhook. Once saved, your webhook is active and starts sending POST notifications whenever your chosen event type is triggered.

As a repository admin, you can add or delete a webhook at any point. Additionally, you can create, view, and delete webhooks for your organization or trusted registry using the API.

Change the Active status of a webhook


By default, the webhook status is set to Active on its creation.

  1. In your browser, navigate to https://<msr-url> and log in with your credentials.

  2. Select Repositories from the left-side navigation panel, and then click on the name of the repository that you want to view. Note that you will have to click on the repository name following the / after the specific namespace for your repository.

  3. Select the Webhooks tab. The existing webhooks display on the page.

  4. Locate the webhook whose Active status you want to change and move the slider underneath the Active heading accordingly.

Manage repository webhooks with the API

Triggering notifications

Refer to Webhook types for a list of events you can trigger notifications for via the API.

Your MSR hostname serves as the base URL for your API requests.

From the MSR web interface, click API on the bottom left-side navigation panel to explore the API resources and endpoints. Click Execute to send your API request.

API requests via curl

You can use curl to send HTTP or HTTPS API requests. Note that you will have to specify skipTLSVerification: true on your request in order to test the webhook endpoint over HTTP.

Example curl request

curl -u test-user:$TOKEN -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{ \"endpoint\": \"\", \"key\": \"maria-testorg/lab-words\", \"skipTLSVerification\": true, \"type\": \"TAG_PULL\"}"

Example JSON response

  "id": "b7bf702c31601efb4796da59900ddc1b7c72eb8ca80fdfb1b9fecdbad5418155",
  "type": "TAG_PULL",
  "key": "maria-testorg/lab-words",
  "endpoint": "",
  "authorID": "194efd8e-9ee6-4d43-a34b-eefd9ce39087",
  "createdAt": "2019-05-22T01:55:20.471286995Z",
  "lastSuccessfulAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "inactive": false,
  "tlsCert": "",
  "skipTLSVerification": true

Subscribe to events

To subscribe to events, send a POST request to /api/v0/webhooks with the following JSON payload:

Example usage

  "type": "TAG_PUSH",
  "key": "foo/bar",
  "endpoint": ""

The keys in the payload are:

  • type: The event type to subcribe to.

  • key: The namespace/organization or repo to subscribe to. For example, “foo/bar” to subscribe to pushes to the “bar” repository within the namespace/organization “foo”.

  • endpoint: The URL to send the JSON payload to.

Normal users must supply a “key” to scope a particular webhook event to a repository or a namespace/organization. MSR admins can choose to omit this, meaning a POST event notification of your specified type will be sent for all MSR repositories and namespaces.

Receive a payload

Whenever your specified event type occurs, MSR will send a POST request to the given endpoint with a JSON-encoded payload. The payload will always have the following wrapper:

  "type": "...",
  "createdAt": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
  "contents": {...}
  • type refers to the event type received at the specified subscription endpoint.

  • contents refers to the payload of the event itself. Each event is different, therefore the structure of the JSON object in contents will change depending on the event type. See Content structure for more details.

Test payload subscriptions

Before subscribing to an event, you can view and test your endpoints using fake data. To send a test payload, send POST request to /api/v0/webhooks/test with the following payload:

  "type": "...",
  "endpoint": ""

Change type to the event type that you want to receive. MSR will then send an example payload to your specified endpoint. The example payload sent is always the same.

Content structure

Comments after (//) are for informational purposes only, and the example payloads have been clipped for brevity.

Repository event content structure

Tag push

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "tag": "",          // (string) the name of the tag just pushed
  "digest": "",       // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest the tag points to (eg. "sha256:0afb...")
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "os": "",           // (string) the OS for the tag's manifest
  "architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the tag's manifest
  "author": "",       // (string) the username of the person who pushed the tag
  "pushedAt": "",     // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the push occurred

Tag delete

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "tag": "",          // (string) the name of the tag just deleted
  "digest": "",       // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest the tag points to (eg. "sha256:0afb...")
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "os": "",           // (string) the OS for the tag's manifest
  "architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the tag's manifest
  "author": "",       // (string) the username of the person who deleted the tag
  "deletedAt": "",     // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the delete occurred

Manifest push

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "digest": "",       // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest (eg. "sha256:0afb...")
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "os": "",           // (string) the OS for the manifest
  "architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the manifest
  "author": "",       // (string) the username of the person who pushed the manifest

Manifest delete

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "digest": "",       // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest (eg. "sha256:0afb...")
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "os": "",           // (string) the OS for the manifest
  "architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the manifest
  "author": "",       // (string) the username of the person who deleted the manifest
  "deletedAt": "",    // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the delete occurred

Security scan completed

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "tag": "",          // (string) the name of the tag scanned
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "scanSummary": {
    "namespace": "",          // (string) repository's namespace/organization name
    "repository": "",         // (string) repository name
    "tag": "",                // (string) the name of the tag just pushed
    "critical": 0,            // (int) number of critical issues, where CVSS >= 7.0
    "major": 0,               // (int) number of major issues, where CVSS >= 4.0 && CVSS < 7
    "minor": 0,               // (int) number of minor issues, where CVSS > 0 && CVSS < 4.0
    "last_scan_status": 0,    // (int) enum; see scan status section
    "check_completed_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the scan completed

Security scan failed

  "namespace": "",    // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "tag": "",          // (string) the name of the tag scanned
  "imageName": "",    // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (eg.
  "error": "",        // (string) the error that occurred while scanning

Chart push

    "namespace": "foo",       // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
    "repository": "bar",      // (string) repository name
    "event": "CHART_PUSH",    // (string) event name
    "author": "exampleUser",  // (string) the username of the person who deleted the manifest
    "data": {
      "urls": [
        ""  //
      "created": "2015-01-02T15:04:05Z",
      "digest": "sha256:b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c" // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest of the helm chart (eg. "sha256:0afb...")

Chart pull

  "namespace": "foo",
  "repository": "bar",
  "event": "CHART_PULL",
  "author": "exampleUser",
  "data": {
    "urls": [
    "created": "2015-01-02T15:04:05Z",
    "digest": "sha256:b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c"

Chart linted

  "namespace": "foo",
  "repository": "bar",
  "event": "CHART_LINTED",
  "author": "exampleUser",
  "data": {
    "chartName": "test-chart",
    "chartVersion": "1.0"

Chart delete

  "namespace": "foo",
  "repository": "bar",
  "event": "CHART_DELETE",
  "author": "exampleUser",
  "data": {
    "urls": [
    "created": "2015-01-02T15:04:05Z",
    "digest": "sha256:b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c"

Namespace-specific event structure

Repository event (created/updated/deleted)

  "namespace": "",    // (string) repository's namespace/organization name
  "repository": "",   // (string) repository name
  "event": "",        // (string) enum: "REPO_CREATED", "REPO_DELETED" or "REPO_UPDATED"
  "author": "",       // (string) the name of the user responsible for the event
  "data": {}          // (object) when updating or creating a repo this follows the same format as an API response from /api/v0/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}

Global event structure

Security scanner update complete

  "scanner_version": "",
  "scanner_updated_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the scanner updated
  "db_version": 0,          // (int) newly updated database version
  "db_updated_at": "",      // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the database updated
  "success": <true|false>   // (bool) whether the update was successful
  "replicas": {             // (object) a map keyed by replica ID containing update information for each replica
    "replica_id": {
      "db_updated_at": "",  // (string) JSON-encoded time of when the replica updated
      "version": "",        // (string) version updated to
      "replica_id": ""      // (string) replica ID

Security scan status codes

  • 0: Failed. An error occurred checking an image’s layer

  • 1: Unscanned. The image has not yet been scanned

  • 2: Scanning. Scanning in progress

  • 3: Pending: The image will be scanned when a worker is available

  • 4: Scanned: The image has been scanned but vulnerabilities have not yet been checked

  • 5: Checking: The image is being checked for vulnerabilities

  • 6: Completed: The image has been fully security scanned

View and manage existing subscriptions

View all subscriptions

To view existing subscriptions, send a GET request to /api/v0/webhooks. As a normal user (i.e., not an MSR admin), this will show all of your current subscriptions across every namespace/organization and repository. As an MSR admin, this will show every webhook configured for your MSR.

The API response will be in the following format:

    "id": "",        // (string): UUID of the webhook subscription
    "type": "",      // (string): webhook event type
    "key": "",       // (string): the individual resource this subscription is scoped to
    "endpoint": "",  // (string): the endpoint to send POST event notifications to
    "authorID": "",  // (string): the user ID resposible for creating the subscription
    "createdAt": "", // (string): JSON-encoded datetime when the subscription was created

View subscriptions for a particular resource

You can also view subscriptions for a given resource that you are an admin of. For example, if you have admin rights to the repository “foo/bar”, you can view all subscriptions (even other people’s) from a particular API endpoint. These endpoints are:

  • GET /api/v0/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/webhooks: View all webhook subscriptions for a repository

  • GET /api/v0/repositories/{namespace}/webhooks: View all webhook subscriptions for a namespace/organization

Delete a subscription

To delete a webhook subscription, send a DELETE request to /api/v0/webhooks/{id}, replacing {id} with the webhook subscription ID which you would like to delete.

Only an MSR admin or an admin for the resource with the event subscription can delete a subscription. As a normal user, you can only delete subscriptions for repositories which you manage.