Estimate the migration


If your migration originates from MSR 3.x.x, proceed directly to Extract the data.

Before extracting the data for migration you must estimate the number of images and the amount of metadata to migrate from your source MSR system to the new MSR target system. To do so, run the following command on the source MSR system.

docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-v <local-migration-directory>:/migration:Z \<mmt-version> \
estimate msr  \
--source-mke-url <mke-url> \
--source-username <admin-username> \
--source-password <admin-password> \
--source-url <source-msr-url> \
--storage-mode <inplace|copy> \
--source-insecure-tls \


Migrations that use the copy storage mode and a filesystem storage backend must also include the --mount option, to specify the MSR 2.9.x Docker volume that will be mounted to the MMT container at the /storage directory. As --mount is a Docker option, it must be included prior to the<mmt-version> portion of the command.

--mount source=dtr-registry-<replica-id>,target=/storage

To obtain the MSR replica ID, run the following command from within an MSR node:

docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -f name=dtr-rethink | cut -f 3 -d '-'
Command line parameters




Set the URL for the source Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) system.


Set the username of the admin user. For MSR 2.9.x source systems, use the MKE admin user.


Set the password of the admin user. For MSR 2.9.x source systems, use the MKE admin user.


Set the URL for the source MSR system.


Set the registry migration storage mode.

Valid values: inplace, copy


Optional. Set whether to use an insecure connection.

Valid values: true (skip certificate verification when communicating with the source system), false (perform certificate validation when communicating with the source system)

Example output:

Source Registry: "" (Type: "msr") with authentication data from MKE: ""
Mode: "copy"
Metadata: 30 MB
Image tags: 2 (2.8 MB)

As a result, all existing MSR storage is copied.