Obtain the license

After you install MSR, download your new MSR license and apply it using a Helm command.


Users are not authorized to run MSR without a valid license. For more information, refer to Mirantis Agreements and Terms.

Download your MSR license

  1. Open an email from Mirantis Support with the subject Welcome to Mirantis’ CloudCare Portal and follow the instructions for logging in.

    If you did not receive the CloudCare Portal email, you likely have not yet been added as a Designated Contact and should contact your Designated Administrator.

  2. Log in to the Mirantis CloudCare Portal.

  3. In the top navigation bar, click Environments.

  4. Click the Cloud Name associated with the license you want to download.

  5. Scroll down to License Information and click the License File URL. A new tab opens in your browser.

  6. Click View file to download your license file.

Update your license settings

The procedure for updating your MSR license differs, depending on whether you are deploying the software with Kubernetes or Swarm.

Kubernetes deployments

  1. Insert the contents of your MSR license in the license field of your custom resource definition manifest:

      license: '<license-string>'
  2. Apply the changes to the custom resource:

    kubectl apply -f cr-sample-manifest.yaml
  3. Verify completion of the reconciliation process for the custom resource:

    kubectl get msrs.msr.mirantis.com
    kubectl get rethinkdbs.rethinkdb.com

Apply your MSR license to an unlicensed MSR instance:

helm upgrade msr msr --repo https://registry.mirantis.com/charts/msr/msr \
--version 1.0.0 \
--set-file license=path/to/file/license.lic

Swarm deployments

  1. SSH into a manager node on the Swarm cluster on which MSR is running.

  2. Insert your license information into the license section of your values.yaml file:

    license: '<license-string>'
  3. Obtain a list of non-manager nodes along with their node IDs, noting the IDs of the nodes on which MSR is installed:

    docker node ls --format "{{ .ID }}" --filter "role=worker"
  4. Upgrade MSR, specifying a node ID for each node on which MSR is installed:

    docker run \
      --rm \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      -v <path-to-values.yml>:/config/values.yml \
      registry.mirantis.com/msr/msr-installer:<new-msr-version> \
      upgrade \
      --node <node-id>
  5. Review the status of the deployed services:

    docker stack services msr