You must have cert-manager and the Postgres Operator in place before you can install MSR using the offline method.
Install cert-manager¶
The cert-manager version must be 1.7.2 or later.
Run the following helm install command:
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --version 1.12.3 \ --set installCRDs=true \ -f my_certmanager_values.yaml
Verify that cert-manager is in the
state:kubectl get pods
If any of the cert-manager Pods are not in the
state, run kubectl describe on each Pod:kubectl describe <cert-manager-pod-name>
To troubleshoot the issues that present in the kubectl describe command output, refer to Troubleshooting in the official cert-manager documentation.
Install Postgres Operator¶
The Postgres Operator version you install must be 1.10.0 or later,
as all versions up through 1.8.2 use the PodDisruptionBudget policy/v1beta1
Kubernetes API, which is no longer served as of Kubernetes 1.25.
This being the case, various MSR features may not function properly if
a Postgres Operator prior to 1.10.0 is installed alongside MSR
on Kubernetes 1.25 or later.
Run the following helm install command, including
parameters:helm install postgres-operator postgres-operator/postgres-operator \ --version 1.12.2 \ --set configKubernetes.spilo_runasuser=101 \ --set configKubernetes.spilo_runasgroup=103 \ --set configKubernetes.spilo_fsgroup=103 \ -f my_postgres_values.yaml
Verify that Postgres Operator is in the
state:kubectl get pods
To troubleshoot a failing Postgres Operator Pod, run the following command:
kubectl describe <postgres-operator-pod-name>
Review the Pod logs for more detailed results:
kubectl logs <postgres-operator-pod-name>
By default, MSR uses the persistent volume claims detailed in Volumes.
If you have a pre-existing PersistentVolume that contains image blob data that you intend to use with a new instance of MSR, you can use Helm to provide the new instance with the name of the associated PersistentVolumeClaim:
This setting indicates the <release-name>
PVC referred to in
See also
Helm official documentation: Helm Install