Get support

Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) subscriptions provide access to prioritized support for designated contacts from your company, agency, team, or organization. MKE service levels are based on your subscription level and the cloud or cluster that you designate in your technical support case. Our support offerings are described on the Enterprise-Grade Cloud Native and Kubernetes Support page. You may inquire about Mirantis support subscriptions by using the contact us form.

The CloudCare Portal is the primary way that Mirantis interacts with customers who are experiencing technical issues. Access to the CloudCare Portal requires prior authorization by your company, agency, team, or organization, and a brief email verification step. After Mirantis sets up its backend systems at the start of the support subscription, a designated administrator at your company, agency, team, or organization, can designate additional contacts. If you have not already received and verified an invitation to our CloudCare Portal, contact your local designated administrator, who can add you to the list of designated contacts. Most companies, agencies, teams, and organizations have multiple designated administrators for the CloudCare Portal, and these are often the persons most closely involved with the software. If you do not know who your local designated administrator is, or you are having problems accessing the CloudCare Portal, you may also send an email to Mirantis support at

Once you have verified your contact details and changed your password, you and all of your colleagues will have access to all of the cases and resources purchased. Mirantis recommends that you retain your Welcome to Mirantis email, because it contains information on how to access the CloudCare Portal, guidance on submitting new cases, managing your resources, and other related issues.

We encourage all customers with technical problems to use the knowledge base, which you can access on the Knowledge tab of the CloudCare Portal. We also encourage you to review the MKE product documentation and release notes prior to filing a technical case, as the problem may already be fixed in a later release or a workaround solution provided to a problem experienced by other customers.

One of the features of the CloudCare Portal is the ability to associate cases with a specific MKE cluster. These are referred to in the Portal as “Clouds”. Mirantis pre-populates your customer account with one or more Clouds based on your subscription(s). You may also create and manage your Clouds to better match how you use your subscription.

Mirantis also recommends and encourages customers to file new cases based on a specific Cloud in your account. This is because most Clouds also have associated support entitlements, licenses, contacts, and cluster configurations. These greatly enhance the ability of Mirantis to support you in a timely manner.

You can locate the existing Clouds associated with your account by using the Clouds tab at the top of the portal home page. Navigate to the appropriate Cloud and click on the Cloud name. Once you have verified that the Cloud represents the correct MKE cluster and support entitlement, you can create a new case via the New Case button near the top of the Cloud page.

One of the key items required for technical support of most MKE cases is the support bundle. This is a compressed archive in ZIP format of configuration data and log files from the cluster. There are several ways to gather a support bundle, each described in the paragraphs below. After you obtain a support bundle, you can upload the bundle to your new technical support case by following the instructions in the Mirantis knowledge base, using the Detail view of your case.

Obtain a full-cluster support bundle using the MKE web UI

  1. Log in to the MKE web UI as an administrator.

  2. In the left-side nagivation panel, navigate to <user name> and click Support Bundle.

    It may take several minutes for the download to complete.


    The default name for the generated support bundle file is docker-support-<cluster-id> Mirantis suggests that you not alter the file name before submittal to the customer portal. However, if necessary, you can add a custom string between docker-support and <cluster-id>, as in: docker-support-MyProductionCluster-<cluster-id>

  3. Submit the support bundle to Mirantis Customer Support by clicking Share support bundle on the success prompt that displays when the support bundle finishes downloading.

  4. Fill in the Jira feedback dialog, and click Submit.

Obtain a full-cluster support bundle using the MKE API

  1. Create an environment variable with the user security token:

    export AUTHTOKEN=$(curl -sk -d \
    '{"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"}' \
    https://<mke-ip>/auth/login | jq -r .auth_token)
  2. Obtain a cluster-wide support bundle:

    curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" \
    -H "accept: application/zip" https://<mke-ip>/support \
    -o docker-support-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S).zip
  3. Add the --submit option to the support command to submit the support bundle to Mirantis Customer Support. The support bundle will be sent, along with the following information:

    • Cluster ID

    • MKE version

    • MCR version

    • OS/architecture

    • Cluster size

    For more information on the support command, refer to support.

Obtain a single-node support bundle using the CLI

  1. Use SSH to log into a node and run:

    MKE_VERSION=$((docker container inspect ucp-proxy \
    --format '{{index .Config.Labels "com.docker.ucp.version"}}' \
    2>/dev/null || echo -n 3.7.16)|tr -d [[:space:]])
    docker container run --rm \
      --name ucp \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      --log-driver none \
      mirantis/ucp:${MKE_VERSION} \
      support > \
      docker-support-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S).tgz


    If SELinux is enabled, include the following additional flag: --security-opt label=disable.


    The CLI-derived support bundle only contains logs for the node on which you are running the command. If your MKE cluster is highly available, collect support bundles from all manager nodes.

  2. Add the --submit option to the support command to submit the support bundle to Mirantis Customer Support. The support bundle will be sent, along with the following information:

    • Cluster ID

    • MKE version

    • MCR version

    • OS/architecture

    • Cluster size

    For more information on the support command, refer to support.

Use PowerShell to obtain a support bundle

Run the following command on Windows worker nodes to collect the support information and automatically place it in a zip file:

$MKE_SUPPORT_DIR = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath 'dsinfo'
$MKE_SUPPORT_ARCHIVE = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $('docker-support-' + (hostname) + '-' + (Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S") + '.zip')
$MKE_PROXY_CONTAINER = & docker container ls --filter "name=ucp-proxy" --format "{{.Image}}"
$MKE_REPO = if ($MKE_PROXY_CONTAINER) { ($MKE_PROXY_CONTAINER -split '/')[0] } else { 'mirantis' }
$MKE_VERSION = if ($MKE_PROXY_CONTAINER) { ($MKE_PROXY_CONTAINER -split ':')[1] } else { '3.6.0' }
docker container run --name windowssupport `
-e UTILITY_CONTAINER="$MKE_REPO/ucp-containerd-shim-process-win:$MKE_VERSION" `
-v \\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine `
-v \\.\pipe\containerd-containerd:\\.\pipe\containerd-containerd `
-v 'C:\Windows\system32\winevt\logs:C:\eventlogs:ro' `
-v 'C:\Windows\Temp:C:\wintemp:ro' $MKE_REPO/ucp-dsinfo-win:$MKE_VERSION
docker cp windowssupport:'C:\dsinfo' .
docker rm -f windowssupport
Compress-Archive -Path $MKE_SUPPORT_DIR -DestinationPath $MKE_SUPPORT_ARCHIVE