Delete IP address pools¶
You must use the kubectl Kubernetes command line tool to delete existing IP address pools from MKE.
Obtain all of the IP address pools that are configured to MKE.
kubectl get IPAddressPools -n metallb-system
Example output:
NAME AUTO ASSIGN AVOID BUGGY IPS ADDRESSES <IP-address-pool-name-1> true false ["",""] <IP-address-pool-name-2> true false [""] <IP-address-pool-name-3> true false [""]
Remove the target IP address pool entries from the
configuration option of the configuration-options.Run the following kubectl command to delete the target IP address pools:
kubectl delete IPAddressPool <IP-address-pool-name-3> -n metallb-system
Restart MetalLB Controller to ensure that any persisting services set to use the deleted IP address pools receive new IPs:
kubectl rollout restart deployment controller -n metallb-system
Example output:
deployment.apps/controller restarted
Any service that uses the
annotation with a value equal to the name of a deleted pool will remain in<pending>
See also