
Detail on the new features and enhancements introduced in MKE 3.7.12 includes:

[MKE-11534] Addition of external cloud provider support for AWS

MKE 3.7 now supports the use of external cloud providers for AWS. As a result, MKE 3.6 users who are using --cloud-provider=aws can now migrate to MKE 3.7, first by upgrading to MKE 3.6.17 and then to 3.7.12.

[FIELD-6967] GracefulNodeShutdown settings now configurable

With custom kubelet node profiles, you can now configure the following kubelet GracefulNodeShutdown flags, which control the node shutdown grace periods:

  • –shutdown-grace-period

  • –shutdown-grace-period-critical-pods

The GracefulNodeShutdown feature gate is enabled by default, with the shutdown grace parameters set to 0s.

For more information, refer to configure-gracefulnodeshutdown-settings.