Download the client bundle

This section explains how to download the client certificate bundle using either the MKE web UI or the MKE API.

To download the client certificate bundle using the MKE web UI:

  1. Navigate to My Profile.

  2. Click Client Bundles > New Client Bundle.

To download the client certificate bundle using the MKE API on Linux:

  1. Create an environment variable with the user security token:

    AUTHTOKEN=$(curl -sk -d \
    '{"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"}' \
    https://<mke-ip>/auth/login | jq -r .auth_token)
  2. Download the client certificate bundle:

    curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" \
    https://<mke-ip>/api/clientbundle -o

To download the client certificate bundle using the MKE API on Windows Server 2016:

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell prompt.

  2. Create an environment variable with the user security token:

    $AUTHTOKEN=((Invoke-WebRequest -Body '{"username":"<username>", \
    "password":"<password>"}' -Uri https://`<mke-ip`>/auth/login \
    -Method POST).Content)|ConvertFrom-Json|select auth_token \
    -ExpandProperty auth_token
  3. Download the client certificate bundle:

    [io.file]::WriteAllBytes("", \
    ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://`<mke-ip`>/api/clientbundle \
    -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $AUTHTOKEN"}).Content))