Addressed issues

Issues addressed in the MKE 3.7.1 release include:

  • [FIELD-6318] Fixed an issue wherein MKE authorization decisions for OIDC tokens were at times inconsistent across manager nodes.

  • [MKE-10028] Fixed an issue wherein the CoreDNS Pod became stuck following a restore from from an MKE backup.

  • [MKE-10022] Fixed an issue wherein clientSecret was not returned in GET TOML requests. Now it returns as <redacted>, indicating that it is set. In addition, reuse of the GET TOML <clientSecret: redacted> functions in PUT TOML requests.

  • [MKE-10021] Fixed an issue wherein whenever a user fixed a malformed SAML proxy setting, error messages would continue to propagate.

  • [MKE-9508] Fixed an issue wherein the PUT request to /api/ucp/config-toml was missing the text field needed to provide the MKE configuration file in the live API.

  • [FIELD-6335] Fixed an issue wherein MKE nodes at times showed Pending status, which is a false positive.