UpdateGroup resource

Available since 2.27.0 (17.2.0 and 16.2.0)

This section describes the UpdateGroup custom resource (CR) used in the Container Cloud API for all supported providers. Use this resource to configure update concurrency for specific sets of machines or machine pools within a cluster. This resource enhances the update process by allowing a more granular control over the concurrency of machine updates. This resource also provides a way to control the reboot behavior of machines during a Cluster release update.

The Container Cloud UpdateGroup CR contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is kaas.mirantis.com/v1alpha1.

  • kind

    Object type that is UpdateGroup.

  • metadata

    Metadata of the UpdateGroup CR that contains the following fields. All of them are required.

    • name

      Name of the UpdateGroup object.

    • namespace

      Project where the UpdateGroup is created.

    • labels

      Label to associate the UpdateGroup with a specific cluster in the cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name: <cluster-name> format.

  • spec

    Specification of the UpdateGroup CR that contains the following fields:

    • index

      Index to determine the processing order of the UpdateGroup object. Groups with the same index are processed concurrently.

      The update order of a machine within the same group is determined by the upgrade index of a specific machine. For details, see Change the upgrade order of a machine or machine pool.

    • concurrentUpdates

      Number of machines to update concurrently within UpdateGroup.

    • rebootIfUpdateRequires Since 2.28.0 (17.3.0 and 16.3.0)

      Technology Preview. Automatic reboot of controller or worker machines of an update group if a Cluster release update involves node reboot, for example, when kernel version update is available in new Cluster release. You can set this parameter for management or managed clusters.

      Boolean. By default, true on management clusters and false on managed clusters. On managed clusters:

      • If set to true, related machines are rebooted as part of a Cluster release update that requires a reboot.

      • If set to false, machines are not rebooted even if a Cluster release update requires a reboot.


      During a distribution upgrade, machines are always rebooted, overriding rebootIfUpdateRequires: false.

Configuration example:

apiVersion: kaas.mirantis.com/v1alpha1
kind: UpdateGroup
  name: update-group-example
  namespace: managed-ns
    cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name: managed-cluster
  index: 10
  concurrentUpdates: 2
  rebootIfUpdateRequires: false