Manage metrics filtering

Available since 2.24.0 and 2.24.2 for MOSK 23.2

By default, StackLight drops unused metrics to increase Prometheus performance providing better resource utilization and faster query response. The following list contains white-listed scrape jobs grouped by the job name. Prometheus collects metrics from this list by default.

White list of Prometheus scrape jobs
    "_group-blackbox-metrics": [
    "_group-controller-runtime-metrics": [
    "_group-etcd-metrics": [
    "_group-go-collector-metrics": [
    "_group-process-collector-metrics": [
    "_group-rest-client-metrics": [
    "_group-service-handler-metrics": [
    "_group-service-http-metrics": [
    "_group-service-reconciler-metrics": [
    "alertmanager-webhook-servicenow": [
    "blackbox": [],
    "blackbox-external-endpoint": [],
    "cadvisor": [
    "calico": [
    "etcd-server": [],
    "fluentd": [
    "helm-controller": [
    "ironic": [
    "kaas-exporter": [
    "kubelet": [
    "kubernetes-apiservers": [
    "kubernetes-master-api": [],
    "mcc-blackbox": [],
    "mcc-cache": [],
    "mcc-controllers": [
    "mcc-providers": [
    "mke-manager-api": [],
    "mke-metrics-controller": [
    "mke-metrics-engine": [
    "msr-api": [],
    "openstack-blackbox-ext": [],
    "openstack-cloudprober": [
    "openstack-ingress-controller": [
    "osdpl-exporter": [
    "patroni": [
    "postgresql": [
    "prometheus-alertmanager": [
    "prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter": [
    "prometheus-grafana": [
    "prometheus-kube-state-metrics": [
    "prometheus-libvirt-exporter": [
    "prometheus-memcached-exporter": [
    "prometheus-msteams": [],
    "prometheus-mysql-exporter": [
    "prometheus-node-exporter": [
    "prometheus-rabbitmq-exporter": [
    "prometheus-relay": [],
    "prometheus-server": [
    "rabbitmq-operator-metrics": [
    "refapp": [],
    "sf-notifier": [
    "telegraf-docker-swarm": [
    "telemeter-client": [
    "telemeter-server": [
    "tf-cassandra-jmx-exporter": [
    "tf-control": [
    "tf-kafka-jmx": [
    "tf-operator": [
    "tf-redis": [
    "tf-vrouter": [
    "tf-zookeeper": [
    "ucp-kv": []


The kernel_io_errors_total metric from the above list is available since Container Cloud 2.27.0 (Cluster releases 17.2.0 and 16.2.0).


The following MOSK-related metrics from the above list of white-listed scrape jobs are available since 23.3:

  • The tf-operator group: tf_operator_info for Tungsten Fabric deployments.

  • Removed in 24.1. The osdpl-exporter group:

    • osdpl_aodh_alarms

    • osdpl_cinder_zone_volumes

    • osdpl_neutron_availability_zone_info

    • osdpl_neutron_zone_routers

    • osdpl_nova_aggregate_hosts

    • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_info

    • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_instances

    • osdpl_nova_availability_zone_hosts

    • osdpl_version_info


The kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes metric from the above list is available since Container Cloud 2.26.0 (Cluster releases 17.1.0 and 16.1.0).


The following Prometheus metrics are removed from the above list of white-listed scrape jobs in Container Cloud 2.25.0 (Cluster releases 17.0.0, 16.0.0, 14.1.0):

  • The prometheus-kube-state-metrics group:

    • kube_deployment_spec_paused

    • kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable

    • kube_deployment_status_condition

    • kube_deployment_status_replicas_ready

  • The prometheus-coredns job from the go-collector-metrics and process-collector-metrics groups

You can add necessary metrics that are dropped to this white list as described below. It is also possible to disable the filtering feature. However, Mirantis does not recommend disabling the feature to prevent direct impact on the Prometheus index size, which affects query speed. For clusters with extended retention period, performance degradation will be the most noticeable.

Add dropped metrics to the white list

You can expand the default white list of Prometheus metrics using the prometheusServer.metricsFiltering.extraMetricsInclude parameter to enable metrics that are dropped by default. For the parameter description, see Prometheus metrics filtering. For configuration steps, see StackLight configuration procedure.

Example configuration:

    enabled: true
        - container_memory_failcnt
        - container_network_transmit_errors_total
        - felix_route_table_per_iface_sync_seconds_sum
        - felix_bpf_dataplane_endpoints
        - go_gc_heap_goal_bytes
        - go_gc_heap_objects_objects

Disable metrics filtering

Mirantis does not recommend disabling metrics filtering to prevent direct impact on the Prometheus index size, which affects query speed. In clusters with an extended retention period, performance degradation will be the most noticeable. Therefore, the best option is to keep the feature enabled and add the required dropped metrics to the white list as described in Add dropped metrics to the white list.

If disabling of metrics filtering is absolutely necessary, set the prometheusServer.metricsFiltering.enabled parameter to false:

    enabled: false

For configuration steps, see StackLight configuration procedure.