irqbalance module

TechPreview since 2.27.0 (17.2.0 and 16.2.0)

The irqbalance module is designed to allow the cloud operator to install and configure the irqbalance service on cluster machines using the day-2 operations API.


This module is implemented and validated against the following Ansible versions provided by Container Cloud for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 in the Cluster releases 16.2.0 and 17.2.0: Ansible core 2.12.10 and Ansible collection 5.10.0.

To verify the Ansible version in a specific Cluster release, refer to the Cluster releases section in Release Notes. Use the Artifacts > System and MCR artifacts section of the corresponding Cluster release. For example, for 17.2.0.

For information on the irqbalance service, refer to the official irqbalance documentation for Ubuntu 22.04 and the Upstream GitHub project.

Default configuration for the irqbalance service

The default configuration file /etc/default/irqbalance can contain the following settings, as defined in the irqbalance documentation:

# irqbalance is a daemon process that distributes interrupts across
# CPUs on SMP systems.  The default is to rebalance once every 10
# seconds.  This is the environment file that is specified to systemd via the
# EnvironmentFile key in the service unit file (or via whatever method the init
# system you're using has).

#    After starting, wait for a minute, then look at the interrupt
#    load and balance it once; after balancing exit and do not change
#    it again.

#    64 bit bitmask which allows you to indicate which CPUs should
#    be skipped when reblancing IRQs.  CPU numbers which have their
#    corresponding bits set to one in this mask will not have any
#    IRQs assigned to them on rebalance.

#    The CPUs list which allows you to indicate which CPUs should
#    be skipped when reblancing IRQs. CPU numbers in CPUs list will
#    not have any IRQs assigned to them on rebalance.
#      The format of CPUs list is:
#        <cpu number>,...,<cpu number>
#      or a range:
#        <cpu number>-<cpu number>
#      or a mixture:
#        <cpu number>,...,<cpu number>-<cpu number>

#    Append any args here to the irqbalance daemon as documented in the man
#    page.


IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS is deprecated in irqbalance v1.8.0, which is used in Ubuntu 22.04, and is being replaced with IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST. For details, see Release notes for irqbalance v1.8.0.

Setting empty values for the irqbalance parameters

When the cloud operator defines values for the irqbalance module in the HOC object, those values overwrite particular parameters in the /etc/default/irqbalance file. If the operator does not define a value, the corresponding parameter in the /etc/default/irqbalance configuration file keeps its current value.

For example, if you define values.args in the HOC object, this value overwrites the IRQBALANCE_ARGS parameter in /etc/default/irqbalance. Otherwise, the IRQBALANCE_ARGS value remains the same in the configuration file.

If you need to provide an empty IRQBALANCE_ARGS value, you can define values.args: "" (empty string) in the HOC object. Other parameters defined in /etc/default/irqbalance follow the same logic.

Version 1.1.0 (latest)

The module allows installing, configuring, and enabling or disabling the irqbalance service on cluster machines.

Since v1.0.0, the following changes apply to the irqbalance module:

  • Added the oneshot parameter.

  • Changed the method of setting empty values for the irqbalance parameters for better usability:

    • When a parameter is not defined in values of the HOC object, the corresponding value remains the same in the irqbalance configuration file.

    • When a parameter is set to "" (empty string) in values of the HOC object , the corresponding value in the irqbalance configuration file is also set to "" (empty string).

The module accepts the following parameters, all of them are optional:

irqbalance module parameters




Enables the irqbalance service. Defaults to true.


Defines the IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST value. Do not define it if you do not want to update the current IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST value in the irqbalance configuration file. Mutually exclusive with banned_cpus.


Defines the IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS value. Do not define it if you do not want to update the current IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS value in the irqbalance configuration file. Mutually exclusive with banned_cpulist.


IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS is deprecated in irqbalance v1.8.0.


Defines the IRQBALANCE_ARGS value. Do not define it if you do not want to update the current IRQBALANCE_ARGS value in the irqbalance configuration file.


Defines the name of the irqbalance policy script, which is bash-compatible.


Defines the full file path to store the irqbalance policy script that can be used with the --policyscript=<filePath> argument. Do not define it if you do not want to write the policy script.


Enables the update of apt-cache before installing the irqbalance service. Defaults to true.


Defines the IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT value. Do not define it if you do not want to update the current IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT value in the irqbalance configuration file.


IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT is commented out when oneshot is set to false, because setting IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT to any value leads to enablement of this functionality.


When you configure the policy script, at least the following parameters must be set: args, policy_script, and policy_script_filepath. Otherwise, the corresponding error message will be displayed in the status of the HostOSConfiguration object.


If an error message in the status of the HostOSConfiguration object contains schema validation failed, verify whether the types of used parameters are correct and whether the used combination of parameters is allowed.


If you enable the service without setting banned_cpulist, banned_cpus, oneshot, or args, the corresponding values in /etc/default/irqbalance remain as they were before applying the current HostOSConfiguration.

Version 1.0.0

The module allows installing, configuring, and enabling or disabling the irqbalance service on cluster machines.

The module accepts the following parameters, all of them are optional:

Module parameters




Enable the irqbalance service. Defaults to true.


The IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST value. Leave empty to not update the current IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST value in the irqbalance configuration file. Mutually exclusive with banned_cpus.


The IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS value. Leave empty to not update the current IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS value in the irqbalance configuration file. IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS is deprecated in irqbalance v1.8.0. Mutually exclusive with banned_cpulist.


The IRQBALANCE_ARGS value. Leave empty to not update the current IRQBALANCE_ARGS value in the irqbalance configuration file.


The irqbalance policy script, which is bash-compatible.


The full file path name to store the irqbalance policy script that can be used with the --policyscript=<filepath> argument. Leave empty to not write the policy script.


Enables the update of apt-cache before installing the irqbalance service. Defaults to true.


When you configure the policy script, at least three parameters must be set: args, policy_script, and policy_script_filepath. Otherwise, the corresponding error message will be displayed in the status of the HostOSConfiguration object.


If an error message in the status of the HostOSConfiguration object contains schema validation failed, verify the following:

  • Whether the types of used parameters are correct

  • Whether the used combination of parameters is allowed


If you enable the service without setting banned_cpulist, banned_cpus, or args, the corresponding values in /etc/default/irqbalance will remain as they were before applying the current HostOSConfiguration.

Module configuration examples

Example 1. Run irqbalance using defaults

    - description: Example irqbalance configuration
      module: irqbalance
      moduleVersion: 1.0.0
      order: 1
      phase: "reconfigure"
      values: {}

As a result of this configuration, no parameters will be set or overridden in the irqbalance configuration file.

Example 2. Run irqbalance and deny using certain CPU cores for IRQ balancing

    - description: Example irqbalance configuration
      module: irqbalance
      moduleVersion: 1.0.0
      order: 1
      phase: "reconfigure"
        banned_cpulist: "0-15,31"
        args: "--journal"

As a result of this configuration, IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPULIST and IRQBALANCE_ARGS will be set or overridden, and IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS will be removed from the irqbalance configuration file.

Example 3. Run irqbalance using the policy script

    - description: Example irqbalance configuration
      module: irqbalance
      moduleVersion: 1.0.0
      order: 1
      phase: "reconfigure"
        args: "--policyscript=/etc/default/"
        policy_script: |

          # specifying  a -1 here forces irqbalance to consider an interrupt from a
          # device to be equidistant from all NUMA nodes.
          echo 'numa_node=-1'
        policy_script_filepath: "/etc/default/"

As a result of this configuration:

  • The IRQBALANCE_ARGS parameter will be set or overridden in the irqbalance configuration file

  • The contents of policy_script will be written to /etc/default/

  • The irqbalance service will use the provided policy script

For the policy script description, refer to the irqbalance documentation. In particular, refer to the numa_node variable used in the example.

Troubleshoot irqbalance on the target host

Troubleshooting commands for irqbalance on a host



Verify the service status

sudo systemctl status irqbalance

Verify the configuration

less /etc/default/irqbalance

Verify the init.d script

less /etc/init.d/irqbalance

Verify logs

journalctl -u irqbalance*

Verify statistics of interrupts

less -S /proc/interrupts

Verify connections of NICs to NUMA nodes

cat /sys/class/net/<nic_name>/device/numa_node


The numa_node exists for a given NIC only if NUMA is configured on the host.