Troubleshoot Mirantis Kubernetes Engine alerts

This section describes the investigation and troubleshooting steps for the Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) cluster alerts.


Root cause

MKE cluster root certificate authority (CA) expires in less than 10 days.


  1. Connect to an MKE manager node through SSH.

  2. List the nodes and their statuses:

    docker node ls
  3. Switch to the node marked as leader.

  4. On the leader node, retrieve the CA certificate and inspect its Validity field:

    docker swarm ca | openssl x509 -noout -text


Contact Mirantis support for a detailed procedure on certificate rotation.


Root cause

MKE cluster root CA expires in less than 30 days.

Investigation and mitigation

Refer to MKEAPICertExpirationHigh.