
Available since 2.26.0 (17.1.0 and 16.1.0) TechPreview


This section is intended for informational purposes only. For security reasons and to ensure safe and reliable cluster operability, contact Mirantis support to start using this resource.

This section describes the HostOSConfigurationModules custom resource (CR) used in the Container Cloud API. It contains all necessary information to introduce and load modules for further configuration of the host operating system of the related Machine object. For description of module format, schemas, and rules, contact Mirantis support.


This object must be created and managed on the management cluster.

A configuration module defined in a HostOSConfiguration object is collected across all HostOSConfigurationModules objects of a cluster. After that, the related HostOSConfigurationModules object name is added as a reference to the status section of the processed HostOSConfiguration object.

For demonstration purposes, we split the Container Cloud HostOSConfigurationModules CR into the following sections:

HostOSConfigurationModules metadata


The Container Cloud HostOSConfigurationModules custom resource (CR) contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    Object API version that is

  • kind

    Object type that is HostOSConfigurationModules.

The metadata object field of the HostOSConfigurationModules resource contains the following fields:

  • name

    Object name.

Configuration example:

kind: HostOSConfigurationModules
  name: host-os-configuration-modules-sample

HostOSConfigurationModules configuration

The spec object field contains configuration for a HostOSConfigurationModules object and has the following fields:

  • modules

    List of available modules to use as a configuration. Each entry has the following fields:

    • name

      Module name.

    • url

      URL to the archive containing the module package in the FQDN format. If omitted, the module is considered as the one provided and validated by Mirantis. Therefore, this field is mandatory for custom modules.

    • version

      Module version in semver format.

    • sha256sum

      Hash sum computed using the SHA-256 algorithm. The hash sum is automatically validated upon fetching the module package, the module does not load if the hash sum is invalid.

Configuration example:

    - name: mirantis-provided-module-name
      sha256sum: ff3c426d5a2663b544acea74e583d91cc2e292913fc8ac464c7d52a3182ec146
      version: 1.0.0
    - name: custom-module-name
      sha256sum: 258ccafac1570de7b7829bde108fa9ee71b469358dbbdd0215a081f8acbb63ba
      version: 1.0.0

HostOSConfigurationModules status

The status field of the HostOSConfigurationModules object contains the current state of the object:

  • modules

    List of module statuses, indicating the loading results of each module. Each entry has the following fields:

    • name

      Name of the loaded module.

    • version

      Version of the loaded module.

    • url

      URL to the archive containing the loaded module package in the FQDN format.

    • docURL

      URL to the loaded module documentation if it was initially present in the module package.

    • description

      Description of the loaded module if it was initially present in the module package.

    • sha256sum

      Actual SHA-256 hash sum of the loaded module.

    • valuesValidationSchema

      JSON schema used against the module configuration values if it was initially present in the module package. The value is encoded in the gzip+base64 format.

    • state

      Actual availability state of the module. Possible values are: available or error.

    • error

      Error, if any, that occurred during the module fetching and verification.

    • playbookName

      Name of the module package playbook.

HostOSConfigurationModules status example:

  - description: Brief description of the module
    name: mirantis-provided-module-name
    playbookName: directory/main.yaml
    sha256sum: ff3c426d5a2663b544acea74e583d91cc2e292913fc8ac464c7d52a3182ec146
    state: available
    valuesValidationSchema: <gzip+base64 encoded data>
    version: 1.0.0
  - description: Brief description of the module
    name: custom-module-name
    playbookName: directory/main.yaml
    sha256sum: 258ccafac1570de7b7829bde108fa9ee71b469358dbbdd0215a081f8acbb63ba
    state: available
    version: 1.0.0