CacheWarmupRequest resource

TechPreview Available since 2.24.0 and 23.2 for MOSK clusters

This section describes the CacheWarmupRequest custom resource (CR) used in the Container Cloud API to predownload images and store them in the mcc-cache service.

The Container Cloud CacheWarmupRequest CR contains the following fields:

  • apiVersion

    API version of the object that is

  • kind

    Object type that is CacheWarmupRequest.

  • metadata

    The metadata object field of the CacheWarmupRequest resource contains the following fields:

    • name

      Name of the CacheWarmupRequest object that must match the existing management cluster name to which the warm-up operation applies.

    • namespace

      Container Cloud project in which the cluster is created. Always set to default as the only available project for management clusters creation.

  • spec

    The spec object field of the CacheWarmupRequest resource contains the settings for artifacts fetching and artifacts filtering through Cluster releases. This field contains the following fields:

    • clusterReleases

      Array of strings. Defines a set of Cluster release names to warm up in the mcc-cache service.

    • openstackReleases

      Optional. Array of strings. Defines a set of OpenStack releases to warm up in mcc-cache. Applicable only if ClusterReleases field contains mosk releases.

      If you plan to upgrade an OpenStack version, define the current and the target versions including the intermediate versions, if any. For example, to upgrade OpenStack from Victoria to Yoga:

      - victoria
      - wallaby
      - xena
      - yoga
    • fetchRequestTimeout

      Optional. String. Time for a single request to download a single artifact. Defaults to 30m. For example, 1h2m3s.

    • clientsPerEndpoint

      Optional. Integer. Number of clients to use for fetching artifacts per each mcc-cache service endpoint. Defaults to 2.

    • openstackOnly

      Optional. Boolean. Enables fetching of the OpenStack-related artifacts for MOSK. Defaults to false. Applicable only if the ClusterReleases field contains mosk releases. Useful when you need to upgrade only an OpenStack version on MOSK-based clusters.

Example configuration:

kind: CacheWarmupRequest
  name: example-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  - mke-14-0-1
  - mosk-15-0-1
  - yoga
  fetchRequestTimeout: 30m
  clientsPerEndpoint: 2
  openstackOnly: false

In this example:

  • The CacheWarmupRequest object is created for a management cluster named example-cluster-name.

  • The CacheWarmupRequest object is created in the only allowed default Container Cloud project.

  • Two Cluster releases mosk-15-0-1 and mke-14-0-1 will be predownloaded.

  • For mosk-15-0-1, only images related to the OpenStack version Yoga will be predownloaded.

  • Maximum time-out for a single request to download a single artifact is 30 minutes.

  • Two parallel workers will fetch artifacts per each mcc-cache service endpoint.

  • All artifacts will be fetched, not only those related to OpenStack.