2.14.0 |
Dec 07, 2021 |
Equinix Metal provider:
OpenStack provider:
vSphere provider:
Bare metal provider:
MKE support:
Network interfaces monitoring
Custom Prometheus recording rules
Syslog packet size configuration
Prometheus Relay configuration
Container Cloud web UI:
2.13.1 |
Nov 11, 2021 |
Based on 2.13.0, this release introduces the Cluster release 6.20.0
that is based on 5.20.0 and supports Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes
(MOS) 21.6.
For the list of Cluster releases 7.x and 5.x that are supported by
2.13.1 as well as for its features with addressed and known issues,
refer to the parent release 2.13.0.
2.13.0 |
Oct 28, 2021 |
Configuration of multiple DHCP ranges for bare metal clusters
Updated RAM requirements for management and regional clusters
Improvements to StackLight alerting
Support for Telegraf 1.20.0
Documentation: How to renew the Container Cloud and MKE licenses
2.12.0 |
Oct 5, 2021 |
General availability of the Microsoft Azure cloud provider
Support for the Container Cloud deployment on top of
MOS Victoria
TLS for all Container Cloud endpoints
LVM or mdadm RAID support for bare metal provisioning
Preparing state of a bare metal host
Migration of iam-proxy from Louketo Proxy to OAuth2 Proxy
Backup configuration for a MariaDB database on a management cluster
Renaming of the Container Cloud binary from kaas to container-cloud
MCR version update to 20.10.6
MKE version update to 3.4.5 for the Cluster release 7.2.0 and
to 3.3.12 for Cluster releases 5.19.0, 6.19.0
Short names for Kubernetes nodes in Grafana dashboards
Improvements to StackLight alerting
Logs-based metrics in StackLight
2.11.0 |
August 31, 2021 |
Technology Preview support for the Microsoft Azure cloud provider
RHEL 7.9 bootstrap node for the vSphere-based provider
Validation labels for the vSphere-based VM templates
Automatic migration of Docker data and LVP volumes to NVMe on AWS clusters
Switch of core Helm releases from v2 to v3
Bond interfaces for baremetal-based management clusters
Bare metal advanced configuration using web UI
Equinix Metal capacity labels for machines in web UI
StackLight node labeling improvements
StackLight log level severity setting in web UI
Improvements to StackLight alerting
Salesforce feed update
2.10.0 |
July 21, 2021 |
7.x Cluster release series with updated versions of MCR 20.10.5,
MKE 3.4.0, and Kubernetes 1.20.1
Support of MKE 3.3.3 - 3.3.6 and 3.4.0 for cluster attachment
Graceful MCR upgrade from 19.03.14 to 20.10.5
MKE logs gathering enhancements
VMware vSphere provider:
Initial CentOS support VMware vSphere provider
RHEL 7.9 support for the VMware vSphere provider
Removal of IAM and Keycloak IPs configuration
Ability to add or configure proxy on existing clusters
Command for creation of Keycloak users
Improvements to StackLight alerting
Log verbosity for StackLight components
2.9.0 |
June 15, 2021 |
Equinix Metal provider
Integration to Lens
New bootstrap node for additional regional clusters
TLS certificates for management cluster applications
Default Keycloak authorization in Container Cloud web UI
SSH keys management for mcc-user
vSphere resources controller
StackLight components upgrade
2.8.0 |
May 18, 2021 |
Support for Keycloak 12.0
Ironic pod logs
LoadBalancer and ProviderInstance monitoring for cluster and machine statuses
Updated notification about outdated cluster version in web UI
StackLight improvements:
Notifications to Microsoft Teams
Notifications to ServiceNow
Log collection optimization
Ceph improvements:
Ceph default configuration options
Capability to define specifications for multiple Ceph nodes using lists
A number of new KaaSCephCluster configuration parameters
Documentation enhancements:
2.7.0 |
April 22, 2021 |
Full support for the VMware vSphere provider
Universal SSH user
Configuration of SSH keys on existing clusters using web UI
Cluster and machines live statuses in web UI
Enabling of proxy access using web UI for vSphere, AWS, and bare metal
Log collection optimization in StackLight
Ceph enhancements:
Documentation enhancements:
2.6.0 |
March 24, 2021 |
RHEL license activation using the activation key
Support for VMware vSphere Distributed Switch
VMware vSphere provider integration with IPAM controller
Proxy support for all Container Cloud providers
StackLight logging levels
StackLight remote logging to syslog
Hyperconverged Ceph
Ceph objectStorage section in KaasCephCluster
Ceph maintenance orchestration
Updated documentation on the bare metal networking
2.5.0 |
March 1, 2021 |
Support for Mirantis Kubernetes Engine 3.3.6
Support for Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes 21.1
Proxy support for OpenStack and VMware vSphere providers
NTP server configuration on regional clusters
Optimized ClusterRelease upgrade process
Dedicated network for external connection to the Kubernetes services on bare metal
Ceph RADOS Gateway HA
Ceph RADOS Gateway check box in Container Cloud web UI
Ceph maintenance label
Cerebro support for StackLight
Proxy support for StackLight
2.4.0 |
February 2, 2021 |
Support for the updated version of Mirantis Container Runtime 19.03.14
Dedicated network for Kubernetes pods traffic on bare metal clusters
Improvements for the feedback form in the Container Cloud web UI
StackLight enhancements:
Alert inhibition rules
Integration between Grafana and Kibana
New Telegraf alert TelegrafGatherErrors
Configuration of Ironic Telegraf input plugin
Automatically defined cluster ID
2.3.0 |
December 23, 2020 |
Support for Mirantis Kubernetes Engine 3.3.4 and
Mirantis Container Runtime 19.03.13
Support for multiple host-specific L2 templates per a bare metal cluster
Additional regional cluster on VMware vSphere
Automated setup of a VM template for the VMware vSphere provider
StackLight support for VMware vSphere
Improvements in the Container Cloud logs collection
2.2.0 |
November 5, 2020 |
Support for VMware vSphere provider on RHEL
Kernel parameters management through BareMetalHostProfile
Support of multiple subnets per cluster
Optimization of the Container Cloud logs collection
Container Cloud API documentation for bare metal
2.1.0 |
October 19, 2020 |
Node labeling for machines
AWS resources discovery in the Container Cloud web UI
Credentials statuses for OpenStack and AWS in the Container Cloud web UI
StackLight improvements:
Grafana upgrade from version 6.6.2 to 7.1.5
Grafana Image Renderer pod to offload rendering of images from charts
Grafana home dashboard improvements
Splitting of the regional and management cluster function
in StackLight telemetry to obtain aggregated metrics on the management
cluster from regional and managed clusters
Amendments to the StackLight alerts
2.0.0 |
September 16, 2020 |
5.7.0 |
First GA release of Container Cloud with the following key features:
Container Cloud with Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) container
clusters for the management plane
Support for managed Container Cloud with MKE container clusters
on top of the AWS, OpenStack, and bare metal cloud providers
Support for attaching of the existing MKE standalone clusters
Ceph as a Kubernetes storage provider for the bare metal use case
Multi-region support for security and scalability
IAM integration with MKE container clusters to provide SSO
Logging, monitoring, and alerting tuned for MKE with data aggregation
to the management cluster and telemetry sent to Mirantis