Addressed issues

The following issues have been addressed in the Mirantis Container Cloud release 2.23.0 along with the Cluster release 11.7.0:

  • [29647] Fixed the issue with the Network prepared stage getting stuck in the NotStarted status during deployment of a vSphere-based management or regional cluster with IPAM disabled.

  • [26896] Fixed the issue with the MetalLB liveness and readiness timeouts in a slow network.

  • [28313] Fixed the issue with the iam-keycloak Pod starting slowly because of DB errors causing timeouts while waiting for the OIDC configuration readiness.

  • [28675] Fixed the issue with the Ceph OSD-related parameters configured using rookConfig in KaaSCephcluster being not applied until OSDs are restarted. Now, parameters for Ceph OSD daemons apply during runtime instead of setting them directly in ceph.conf. Therefore, no restart is required.

  • [30040] Fixed the issue with the HelmBundleReleaseNotDeployed alert that has the release_name=opensearch label firing during the Container Cloud or Cluster release update due to issues with the claim request size in the elasticsearch.persistentVolumeClaimSize configuration.

  • [29329] Fixed the issue with recreation of the Patroni container replica being stuck in the degraded state due to the liveness probe killing the container that runs the pg_rewind procedure during cluster update.

  • [28822] Fixed the issue with Reference Application triggering false-positive alerts related to Reference Application during its upgrade.

  • [28479] Fixed the issue with the restarts count of the metric-collector Pod being increased in time with reason: OOMKilled in containerStatuses of the metric-collector Pod on baremetal-based management clusters with HTTP proxy enabled.

  • [28417] Fixed the issue with the Reports Dashboards plugin not being enabled by default preventing the use of the reporting option. For details about this plugin, see the GitHub OpenSearch documentation: OpenSearch Dashboards Reports.

  • [28373] Fixed the issue with Alerta getting stuck after a failed initialization during cluster creation with StackLight enabled.